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The plane landed at the airport. Thankgod we are here. I can't wait to go to the AE (Angels Entertainment Company) I have to announce the audition already, It will not be easy for us to find new members but have to and we got no choice. *sigh* should have stayed in U.S. CRAP! It will be a very busy day today..


I never thought that our arrival at the airport will be chaiotic. When we got out of the plane, fans started to swarm on us. Luckily, there are guards who are accompanying us. When we got out of the airport, there is one car and one van with guards.

Gege: "Are you our service?"

Guard 1: "Yes young masters. So which do you prefer? The van or The car?"

Yong/me(you): "I'll take the car. Just take our luggage though*smile*. And please lead the way."

Guard 2: "Ne princess*hands the key to yong*"

Gege: "are you sure about this? I mean the accident~~"

you cut him.

Yong: "yah! don't you trust me? i can do this. Don't worry *smiles sincerely* but you can ride the van if you want *aegyo*"

Gege: " Fine. But stop with the drifting ok? We are not in Japan*smirks*

Yong: "Arasso, Arasso! Now get in so we can unpack our things and visit the company."

I started to drive. I followed the van and there we were. How could this be?



What do you think she saw?

Btw. sorry for the late and short update chingus :)

EXO and SHINee FanFic: One Love (AJB/Lee Yong Ah)Where stories live. Discover now