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When I look to the front road on where i am stopped. I saw gege and umma inside the cab. The traffic light at the road where their cab is, the traffic light turned green. Their cab moved to my direction but suddenly, the driver of the truck at the left road had slept. It hit the tail of the cab where my umma's seat and it tripped. I run towards the wrecked cab. I reached for my umma's face and tapped it lightly, she opened her eyes and tapped my gege's arm. He crawled out of the window at his side and gone to my side and tried to get umma out, but unluckily her foot is pinned to the seat. The cab's engine is on fire. We tried to lift it up but it's no use. the fuel is leaking and going towards the fire. She said we should leave her because its impossible to get her out. The city fire truck snatched us away from her we tried to struggle out of their grip but we are too weak. When we are at the a distant place where the cab is, it explode. Gege and I screamed because umma is still inside..



After that incident, we started blaming ourselves of umma's death. We both don't sleep but whenever we tried to, we are just having nightmare about the accident. That is when our Appa decided to move me and gege to Seoul. Even Jai, she asked her umma to move to Seoul with us. Since we have our producing company here at U.S, actually we have 5 different company. And our other Music Company is at Seoul named after my "BAND'S" name which is Angels which made our band famous. The other members aren't moving to Seoul with us. And that means we have to find some "new" members since Jai, Gege and I are the ones to move, and it is going to be very difficult and we have to asked the CEO of our Music Angels Entertainment Company for that favor. He will never say no to me because we are his favorite band.

Since Jai,Gege and I have a plane to catch, we hurried and visit my umma's grave. I left her favorite foods and Jai left her the flowers beside her grave. After visiting our umma's grave. We arrived at the airport, farewells are said by our band mates. It will be very difficult to replace them but we have no choice. We boarded at the plane. Before it takes off. We texted appa that we are on the plane and turned it off.

Since this flight will take 24 hours to our destination. Luckily, I have brought my sketch pad and pencils at my backpack. All its contents are my Umma's portrait. Since the accident, i started to draw her each and every day. After I finished the sketch, I drifted to sleep. I woke up 2 hours before the plane land. I started to get bored and I snatched my sketch pad again, but this time what I will do is different. I wrote a song for our new album to produce in Seoul. Since I am bored, I don't mind them, not helping.



sorry:/ school days again its getting a bit busier.

if you want to request just follow and message me your bias or who do you want.


EXO and SHINee FanFic: One Love (AJB/Lee Yong Ah)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ