forty two.

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forty two.

"Oh Starclan, thank goodness you're alright," his large paw pulled me into an embrace. I squirmed in his grasp, his fluffy charcoal pelt preventing me from protesting. "I was so worried about you. But don't worry, Featherpaw managed to get that kittypet—"

"Scorchfur!" I managed to belt out, using my paw to push him away and give myself some space. "That kittypet is my friend!" I quickly glanced over his tall structure to find that floof-ball of an apprentice pinning down Coco.

"I got him Scorchfur!" Featherpaw exclaimed proudly, as Coco lay pinned below him.

"I am in pain," Coco ached, "Let me go, kid!"

"Hey!" I yelled, dashing as quick as I could over to the two. "Get off of him, I know him." I nudged the apprentice off of the brown tom.

Coco heaved, leaping back onto his paws and shaking his pelt. "Wow, what a rush. Thank you Lilystem," he nodded to me. I returned the gesture, turning back to Scorchfur as he headed towards me.

"Lilystem what in Starclan are you doing??" He scoffed, "Walking back into the territory at night? With a kittypet? And — what happened to your leg!" Scorchfur pawed my leg.

"Would everyone stop touching my leg!" I grumbled with discontent. My eyebrows furrowed as I took a step towards him. "When will you finally understand that I can handle myself? That I can make my own decisions!?" I heaved, poking a paw at him as my fur stood on end.
"I am not yours to worry about. Stop treating me like I am helpless." Even though I stood shorter than him, my eyes burned into his and I finally felt like the one in charge.

It was the one thing I had always wanted to yell at him for, and in the heat of the moment, I finally had the guts to do it.

Scorchfur stood there, his gaze unwavering. He opened his mouth, but words refused to come out. The only thing he seemed to do was just nod. "O-Okay. I'm sorry."

I sighed, Coco bounding to my side again. "Oh-kay, now that we're all friends again, we are in search of Driftingsky. Perhaps you have heard of him?" His head cocked towards Scorchfur and Featherpaw.

"I know he's on this patrol. Why isn't he with you?" I questioned suddenly, looking to the two as well.

"We split up, he's with Cherrystorm on the west side of the territory," Scorchfur piped up, confidence still exuding from his voice.

My eyes bulged. "W-With Cherrystorm?"

He nodded. "Yeah, felt bad leaving him with her. But it's whatever, she's not too terrible to deal with."

It wasn't until the sound of a bloodcurdling scream echoed throughout the forest that Scorchfur had realized the problem that was to come.

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