thirty one.

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thirty one.

Clovertuft's twolegs tried to feed me. I gratefully refused, as the food appeared rather unappetizing. But, my mother ate it anyways as I guessed that that was the kind of cuisine she was accustomed to now. Especially after what we just talked about, I'd lost my appetite.

I didn't mean to be, but I was distant with her after we spoke about the heavy topic. I suppose I just needed some time to digest the information I'd just received. I had sat down outside in the clearing of the twoleg nest, the dewy grass giving me a weird sense of comfort compared to the inside of the nest. The rain had stopped now, but the nighttime lingered.

With Petalheart being pregnant for a while, and actually ending up having a kit, I wondered why she didn't tell me. What did I do wrong? Why did she never tell me about any of it? My heart hurt.

My green gaze rose up to the grey, night sky. "What happened Petalheart?" I sighed, speaking softly as if my lost sister could hear me. There were more things that I didn't know about Petalheart than I thought, and they all were starting to hit me at once. With this 'investigation' Driftingsky and I had embarked on, I had learned many things about my sister. However, I was no closer than I was before from figuring out who had killed her. Sure, we had our suspects, but there was no clear answer as to who committed the crime.

Maybe finding out who Petalheart's killer is isn't necessary anymore.

I had a nephew now, and a possible brother-in-law somewhere out there. Petalheart has given me that much, and I shouldn't be sitting here thinking about her when I should be caring for Emberkit and focusing on the now, not the before.

I stood to my feet, my head turning towards the twoleg nest only to find Clovertuft exiting. She approached me slowly. "I thought you had left."

I shook my head, "No, sorry. Just thinking."

She waited a bit before saying anything. "You know, when I first saw you come up to me, I thought you were Petalheart."

"I know." I replied quickly, "You must've been disappointed." My voice was quiet, eyes averting.

Clovertuft's blue gaze struck me rapidly. "No, not disappointed. I was happy." She smiled. "Your sister came to visit me a lot. Seeing her made me realize how much I loved being a mom."

Her figure padded by my side, paw lifting to rest onto my own. "But seeing you made me realize how much I missed my home."

falling petals | warrior cats storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora