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"Murder?" I questioned blankly. The idea of someone wanting to kill Petalheart sounded foreign to me.

Mouseberry confirmed with a nod.

"What makes you think so," I asked, sitting down.

The grey feline sat as well. "S-She fell off of the cliff, into the v-valley. We can assume that h-her body scraped up against the r-rocky edges before landing onto the ground."

"Sounds like more of an accident to me," I replied honestly, "And besides what makes you even think she fell off of the edge of the cliff?"

"The impact of the fall took a toll on her body." a new voice chimed in. I turned around to see Driftingsky standing in the medicine cat den's entrance. "There's no way that an animal attacked her from in the valley. Predators and prey are scarce in there. I think somecat pushed her."

I wagged my head in denial. "But that doesn't make sense. Everyone in the clan loved her." My eyes narrowed in confusion, not willing to believe them.

"Or so you thought." Driftingsky shrugged, "You never know someone's true intentions."

"Oh, I do. And I can confirm that everyone was obsessed with her, it's no secret." I said, my tone snapping more than I wanted it to.

"Don't be like that Lilystem. Think. And really think about it. Your sister wouldn't commit suicide. And she has no evidence of animal attacks on her body." he mentioned, his gaze flashing towards the clearing.
"We'll talk about this more later. the burial is starting."

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