My eyes open, my mind blind

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Nico di angelo.

I, once again, woke up in my room. Last night really happened! My dad! Me! I've gone nuts!

I got dressed and shadow traveled to my dad's throne room. 

" Are you ready son?" he asked me with a freaking SMILE! " Nico! Are you alright? You look as if you've seen death, well you have but.....maybe me naked? " he asked again SMILING!

 " let's get you to lord  Zeus, he'll get you all fixed up!" I yelled.

" NO! We are going to camp half-blood." he said angry.

" AH! your back to normal! ah thank gods, I thought I was going bonkers!" I shouted in exitment!

  " Yeah yeah lets go! " he yelled again with a smile!

Ugh! I've got a lot of work to do!


We stumble in to the front gates, my father being the dramatic person he is made a grand entrance.

I really don't have time for this! I walked up to Chiron, and asked him to follow me. 

I told him exactly what had happened, he looked worried.

"This is a much important task, what has happened won't interfere with the mission. You must continue. Nico, for the sake of camp."

I nodded.

Yes, this must be done. From what I've seen, they can be dangerous and they are a potential enemy. My dad said noseless...he know who the snake is. I have to talk to him.

Nico in HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now