The problem? well....I just blew it.

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I am out of control! I cant! I can't stop!

The room of which i stood at was now completely dark, and just when things could no longer go any more wrong than it already is, a bunch of hellhounds come up, and surround me. I recognized all of them, they belong in my fathers realm, as his servants.... The leader walks up to me and covers me.

My loard! Calm down.

 I can't!

Well...I have to put you to sleep! Don't worry I'll stay with you.


 The huge thing comes and places a paw on my head and I drift into utter darkness.

After that weird dream, I wake up and immediately sit up, but right the second later I regretted the action. I was slowly pushed back to the soft bed. Looking around there stood a nurse, and the three. With a long sigh, I looked away from them.

     " Nico." Harry called out.

" What?" I asked bitterly, voice cold enough to cut. Which made him flinch, but he continued on.

   " Who were those people?" He asked, while looking away.

My voice sounding like a thousand knives.

   "None of your business. "

Nico in HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now