"Remember that gift I got you?" his smirk couldn't get any more provoking.

"How could I forget?"

"Is it still working or have you used it so much it's broken?" he laughs.

"Are you trying to ruin my mood with your bad jokes?" I raise an eyebrow.

"No, especially not now that I'm in the mood" he says quickly.

"Okay, great" I nod.

He positions his phone away from him but in a place I can see his whole body clearly and then he removes his shirt. His sweatpants are next and then he looks back into the camera and sees that I'm still dressed.

"Is everything okay?" he asks confused.

"I don't want to take off my shirt, if it's okay with you" I say feeling uncomfortable.

"Sure, but why?" he seems worried now.

"After the leaked video I don't want to be naked in front of another camera" I say with hesitation.

"I understand, we can even not proceed with this if you don't want to" his voice all serious.

"No, I want this" I say and convince him.


I pull my pants down and stay only in my underwear. Robert is looking at me inpatiently and eagerly through the camera. I reach for the nightstand and take out the vibrator. I hold it in my hand and laugh nervously.

"I'm so nervous about it" I say laughing.

"Don't use it if you don't want to, I only bought it in case you want to have some extra fun when I'm away" he tries to help me relax.

"It's okay, I want to try it" I bite my lip but this time in anticipation.

"I wish I could be the one to show you how" he groans clearly being turned on by the sight of me with the Iron Man vibrator in my hand.

I press a button and it starts shaking lightly. The vibrations seem light to my hands but I'm sure they won't feel the same inside me.

"Use it on your breasts first, it will help you" he tells me with a deep voice.

I nod and slowly let it vibrate against each of my breasts. The vibrations send shivers along my body and I enjoy them. Soon I feel my underwear getting wet which is the sign that my body loves the feeling as well.

"Do you like it, baby?"

"Yes" I groan and close my eyes wanting to make the best out of this moment.

"Touch yourself for me" he orders.

I open my eyes and see him with an obvious boner and with a look full of lust. I know he's dying to touch me because I'm craving his body myself. But that's not possible and that's why we have to do it ourselves. I remove my underwear and see him licking his lips immediately. I let my free hand travel to my centre and he squeezes himself through his boxers. I spread my wetness all over my slit and just when Robert tells me to, I insert one finger inside me only to find out I'm ready for more.

"F*ck, you're gorgeous" he moans while slowly stroking himself.

After a few minutes of pleasuring myself I move the vibrator close to my clit. I let it vibrate against it and I immediately feel waves of pleasure hitting me.

"Oh my God" I moan and roll my eyes.

"It feels so nice, baby, doesn't it?" he asks with his voice getting deeper each time he speaks.

"Yes, it does" I moan and rub it against me.

We both pleasure ourselves for a few more moments and let moans leave our lips every now and then. I can barely see his face but I can imagine the dark, turned on look in his eyes.

"Don't be scared, baby" he says when he notices I'm hesitating to insert the vibrator inside me.

I nod and after taking a deep breath I slowly insert it inside me. I curl my toes and close my eyes before it's even halfway in. It's a whole different kind of pleasure.

"Oh... Robert" I yell his name.

"Push it deeper" he moans faster and I can see him stroking himself harder.

I find the confidence and do as he says. When it's all inside me I grip the sheet tightly and can't control my moans. The soonest I adjust to it's size and pace I rock my hips against it making the pleasure more and more intense.

"Yes..Oh Yes" I scream.

"You know it can go faster, right?" he asks with a devilish smirk on his lips again.

"It can?" I ask loudly being surprised and irritated.

"You can find out yourself whenever you feel like it" he says in between pauses.

He's getting closer to his orgasm and I can tell that by the sound of his voice and his expression. Feeling ready for it I find another button next to the previous one and as soon as I press it the vibrations get way more intense.

"Oh f*ck me" I yell and already feel myself ready to expload.

"Gladly" Robert replies loudly.

"This is amazing" I scream.

Suddenly I hear a sound coming from Robert's side of the phone and it catches my attention. He seems equally surprised.

"Get the f*ck out!" he orders but doesn't stop stroking himself.

"Who was that?" I ask between yells.

He doesn't answer my question since he's so close to reaching his limits. A few moments later he moans my name loudly before releasing his orgasm.

"Cum for me, baby, don't hold it" he says seductively looking right into the camera.

"I'm almost there" I yell and rock my hips faster.

Not many minutes later I'm unable to contain myself and I scream Robert's name while wetting the sheets with my orgasm as well. I remove the vibrator from inside me, turn it off and lie flat on the bed trying to come back to my senses.


"Are you still there?" I hear Robert's voice and notice that he can't see me from that angle.

I take the phone back in my hand and look in the camera.

"I'm here" I say smiling.

"You loved it, didn't you?" he asks smirking.

"More than I thought I would" I laugh.

"I was sure you would. I have to apologise to Jimmy for yelling at him earlier" he chuckles.

"So that was Jimmy?" I laugh.

"Yeah, he probably saw more than he'd like to. But it's okay, it's not the first time"

"That doesn't mean he likes it"

"True. You finally used my gift. You managed to stay away from it for what? 7 days?" he jokes.

"It's actually been 10 days and I could last a lot more"

"Yeah, sure" he smiles.

I hear a sound again from Robert's room and this time he starts talking. I understand it's Jimmy who knocked on the door this time and called Robert to get ready.

"I'm sorry, I'm late for the press conference" he apologises.

"Why didn't you stop me? I didn't know they were waiting for you" I say feeling bad.

"Are you crazy? I was waiting for that for days!"

I see him getting back into his jeans and then he wears a jacket over his t-shirt.

"Thank you for before, hurry up now though!"

"No, thank you!" he replies.
"I have to go. I love you so much" he blows me a kiss.

"I love you, too. Have fun" I blow him a kiss and we hang up.

The Making Of A Legend (Leaked Sequel/RDJ FanFic) Where stories live. Discover now