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At the beginning of the Third Great War, the Dark One's forces attacked the great capital city of Chardan, Magrenshire. The ancient city was under siege for months before its walls were finally breached. Once the forces of darkness began pouring into the city, the King knew that it would eventually fall, but his country wouldn't. He entrusted his protectors, Knights known as 'Paladins', to make sure his country would live on, by dividing his own power among his four Paladins, one of which was my father. Before the Dark One's forces breached the Palace of Light, the Paladins dispersed on the King's orders, refusing to allow his power to fall into the hands of the Abyss.

Thirty-two years have passed since the Siege of Magrenshire, and the King still lives on within the Paladins. I wasn't even born when the battle took place, but I know what I'm meant to do. I'm a Paladin. A protector of the King's bloodline. Only one of his blood survives, though, and she's under my protection. The Princess is the only hope for Chardan's survival during these times, especially with the rebellion brewing across the country. The Last Winter had already set in, and I knew what would follow. The Desolation.

Guardian(Part III): DesolationWhere stories live. Discover now