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"How is he?"

Xara shrugged, watching Romeo lay on the bed. He was horribly pale, although now he looked much better than what he used to look like right after fainting. His breathing became much more even, and also his eyebrows weren't as furrowed now. He really was getting better after all, huh?

"I don't know." She whispered back and felt Fred sit down on the bench next to her. Her violet eyes fell on his robe and something stirred inside her chest, where her heart was told to be. What was that weird golden glow coming from inside Fred's pocket? She was about to reach forward and touch it, but her friend let out a silent huff and draped an arm over her shoulders.

That was more than enough for her attention to slip back to him and forget about that glow. It was probably nothing. Her friends would never ever lie to her.

"He's a hero." The man with blue skin whispered and Xara beamed, resting her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes. When both of her friends were this close to her, she actually felt like she was home. "Doing that thing, just ignoring all the pain in your body when you're on the brink of passing out... I don't think I would've managed to do it!"

"Agreed." Xara nodded and tried to hold back a small yawn, knowing that this would be very, very rude. "He's so much tougher than everyone takes his for. Remember when we first saw him and thought he would be useless?"

Nobody saw the way Romeo's shoulders tensed at those words.

"Yeah." Fred chuckled and sighed, looking at the ceiling of Marcus's house. This building looked just amazing, although some people might not have agreed with him. "Oh boy, did we peg him wrong! Dunno what I would've done without the kid in my life. And you too."

The woman snickered silently and got up, then stretched her body and yawned, not able to control it any longer. Luckily, nobody seemed to notice or care about it. She was about to say something when a slight movement from the bed made her eyes snap in that direction. Then a smile spread on her face.

"Hey, buddy." She whispered and gently nudged Romeo in his shoulder. The guy flinched but looked at her, wincing at the horrible headache. But then he smiled and raised his arms in the air, as if asking to be picked up. Now that the girl could actually do it, but she did giggle and snuggle him gently and caringly.

"How are you?" She asked. Romeo shrugged and pressed his hand to his forehead, though the majority of his wincing and sighing was probably him trying to get more affection out of her.

"My head hurts, and-and my skin feels numb." He explained and beamed as Fred ruffled his hair. Where was the great warrior that could fight through impossible amounts of pain and win? Where was that amazing solider that looked upon his enemy calmly and without as much as blinking?

That man was gone, and good sweet gentle Romeo was back now, hugging her and smiling childishly. One of his teeth was missing - had he lost it during the battle or before, by accidentally running into a tree or falling on the ground face-first? She had never seen it gone before, maybe she just hadn't pay enough attention before. That was just plainly cruel. He had always been here for her and she'd never got time to actually see his childish nature for how it was.

"So, when are we going home?" The redhead looked up and widened his eyes adorably. He really did use his innocent looks a lot now, though this time both of his friends knew well that behind that nice and playful and kind mask there was hidden the true warrior. Someone who shall not be angered.

"We were actually waiting for you, pal." Fred laughed and picked the boy up, making the latter squeal and laugh happily. "Marcus and Chloe are now getting ready for some ritual that'll make us all forget about this place."

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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