Chapter 4.

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"Ready?" Xara asked, leaning against a tree and pressing a piece of ice wrapped in some fabric to her forehead. It had been a few hours since the series of her teleportations, and now she felt relatively well, maybe having a bit of a headache. But her eyes were shining as proudly and arrogantly as they always did, and power was pulsing inside her veins once again.

"I'm still not sure this is a good idea." Fred murmured, his arms folded and his eyes locked on the youngest of his friends, who was slightly jumping due to the thrill and excitement that filled him to the brim. "What if you get hurt? Or pass out again? Or-"

"It only happened once!" Romeo waved him off, and his voice shook with thousands of emotions inside it. "I can totally do it!"

The man with blue skin rolled his eyes and glanced at Xara, who only gave him a half-smile and a wink. So far everyone seemed to be against him. He sighed but didn't say anything else, instead choosing to look at the ground. Some dark feeling was beginning to wrap around his heart, but he attempted yo shake it off.

"Alright." Xara clapped her hands and narrowed her eyes at the redhead, looking him up and down. "This might seem impossible to you, but I swear, everything is doable if you have enough practice and power. Now, close your eyes."

Romeo immediatelly squeezed his eyes shut and, without hearing an order to do so reached out into the pool of power that was resting calmly inside him. It responded, and he felt the energy fill his veins and muscles. Sounds became muffled, like always when he activated his lovely powers, and from behind an invisible wall the voice of his friend could be heard.

"Feel your body. Every finger, every toe, every inch of your skin. Feel your power seep in each and every one of them, ignite them with unusual strengh."

The guy exhaled and tried to empty his mind. It kind of worked out and every cell of his body responded with a jolt of energy. It was like all his limbs, all his organs had those roots that kept them together, and if he concentrated enough he could feel all of those roots somewhere in the chest.

"Now, imagine where you want to go." Xara's voice navigated him through an array of feelings and emotions. "You know this place, so picture it in your mind. Every little detail matters - imagine every tree where it's supposed to be, every stone, every bush. Do lot leave anything up to guesswork, you have to be precise about absolutely everything."

Romeo tried to imagine himself standing in the nearby forest, which had been chosen as the destination. He knew that it was potentially dangerous - if something went wrong he could appear in the middle of nowhere, and if teleportation made him feel even worse than Xara, he wouldn't be able to come home again.

So he tried. He did he best to picture every tree, even every leaf on them. He tried to force his arms to feel cold wind brush past them and make his nose smell the amazing scent that didn't exist anywhere else other than that forest.

He wasn't sure how long he was standing there, his eyes closed and his breathing deep and even. But with every passing minute the world he imagined was becoming more and more detalised. Small mushrooms and broken twigs, he could now see them as clearly as if he was actually standing there.

And then something began to pull the guy towards that forest. He got a desperate urge to touch the trunks of trees or to roll around on the grass or to pick and smella small golden flower. He frowned and attempted to force himself to stay in the reality, and for one agonising moment it felt like his mind was being pulled apart in different directions.

"Go there." Xara finally ordered and Romeo let go of his consciossness, falling down on the ground. Wait, no, it wasn't ground around the cabin anymore. It was grass.

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