Chapter 1.

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It all started when Fred opened his eyes.

And it's not just the way of speech or beautiful words. It literally started the moment he opened his eyes. Before that, nothing existed: not sky, not ground, not air and not life. He was the first thing, the first being that appeared in that place.

But the second his eyes opened everything changed. Above him there appeared blue sky with no clouds on it, no sun. Just deep blue.

Fred frowned, then sat up, and wherever he looked the world began to appear. A field with short grass spread to the horizon, where it merged with the blue sky.

How did he know the names of everything around him? How did he know that was was above him was called 'sky' and not, for example, 'hout'? How did he know his own name? The answers to all of those questions were yet to be answered.

Fred looked around, creating the world wherever he looked. There were no mountains just yet, no caves, no clouds - maybe his vision was still far too young to notice such details. However, what there were, were others.

He stared at the ground close to him, where there lay others, a man and a woman. Still unconscious, it seemed like they were still being created: their skin seemed like it was made out of colourful grass, woven together, and their hair had tiny leaves growing in them. The woman looked like she was almost ready to be completely grown, there were just a couple of flaws that had to be fixed.

The first man sighed and stood up, stumbling a little when his roots, or, rather, legs, got confused about that position. Yet it didn't take them more than a minute to figure everything out and allow their owner to walk around.

He shook his head and headed away from the other people, trying not to go too far away. The wind brushed against his face and ruffled his dark blue hair. Fred looked up and squinted when the sun blinded his red eyes.

He didn't know how long he was walking around and looking every way he could. He saw moutains far away - and nd they began to exist. He heard the river flow nearby, and it also got created.

And then there was some sort if ruffling behind him. The man looked around and saw the woman try to get to her feet. She was complete now, her yellow skin glowing just a little and her beautiful pink eyes darting around in confusion. She was wearing a long black robe, which looked like it was made of giant leaves sawn together. Fred looked down and realised he was wearing the same thing.

The woman tilted her head as she began to march towards him. The man narrowed his eyes, but since he couldn't sense any hostility coming from her, didn't back away. The tips of his fingers twitched a little when she stopped right there in front of him, eyeing him suspiciously.

Without thinking much, Fred raised his hand and brushed his fingertips across her forehead. She didn't move away for she knew this was how it was supposed to happen. And an unfamiliar word appeared in the brain of the man, the word that became the first thing to be said out loud, the thing that created the sound of voices:


Xara, how she was called, only closed her eyes for a moment. Then raised her hand as well, and Fred stood still while she read his name from across his forehead.


Their eyes snapped towards the other man, whose growth was ridiculously slow. He was almost complete and judging by the way his eyelids fluttered, couldn't wait to wake up and see the world for himself.

"Look." Xara pointed out when she knelt down and picked up a small stone. Fred tilted his head and looked around, and sure enough, stones had appeared there.

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