Chapter 17.

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Fred woke up with a nudge on his shoulder. He frowned and his eyes slowly fluttered open, narrowing again to peer through the darkness. The huge moon was still high in the sky, and thousands of stars lit up the Valley. The air smelled of hay, which had served him as a bed. An Admin frowned and sat up, brushing some straws off his body. What was going on? Who had woken him up? Xara was sleeping peacefully on the other side of the burnt campfire, and Romeo was snoring silently in the pile of say, facing the sky.

"We have to be very quiet." A familiar voice came from behind and Fred turned around, noticing Marcus immediately. His white skin was obvious as the moonlight shone right on it, his black eyes looked like small patches of the night itself, sawn onto his face. The older Admin was leaning against a silver birch tree, his arms folded.

"What?" The man with blue skin asked and tried to stand up. Though he did like Marcus, and liked him a lot, he couldn't help but feel a little bit aware. Why on Earth would he wake him up in the middle of the night and tell him to be quiet. The ruby-red eyes of the guy settled on Xara. Maybe he was supposed to wake her up?

"Come on." The Admin with black hair tilted his head and stepped further into the forest. "We need to talk in private."

Fred frowned and looked at his sleeping friends once again. He didn't feel like something could go wrong, yet he knew well that if Xara woke up she would get worried sick about him. But... Marcus wouldn't hurt him now, would he? He wasn't a bad person, he only had good intentions.

"Don't worry." The older male smiled so comfortingly that it was near impossible not to believe him. "I'm not gonna hurt you. I just want to talk."

That was enough for the guy to stand up and follow the lead. The two were strolling through the night forest in silence, and the younger Admin wondered what they were going to talk about. But for now he kept his mouth shut, not wanting to initiate the conversation.

He raised an eyebrow when Marcus led the way away from the village and nobody else joined the two. Was Chloe not in on it? What in the world could've made her stay behind when something pretty serious was about to happen? Unless... She didn't know?

"Where's Chloe?" Fred asked and rubbed his arms. Now, in this eerie silence and darkness, even he couldn't help but feel a little aware. What was going to happen? What was that conversation about?

"She's at home, must be asleep at this hour." Marcus shrugged and moved away a branch, revealing a moonlit field. The other guy gasped in awe as he stepped outside and immediately billiards of stars shone their light on them. The gentle wind ruffled his hair and blew all the worries, all the thoughts away. The male suddenly wanted nothing more than to shout out loud because of the amount of happiness and true glee he felt in his blood, his skin, every inch of his being. His eyes were opened widely, and they were glowing brighter than ever before.

"I like it too." The other Admin smiled and took a deep breath in, walking further into the field. On the horizon there were some barely visible mountains that seemed to stretch from one of the world to the other. "This freedom is overwhelming, isn't it? Just... Marvellous."

"And you created all this?" Fred breathed out in disbelief. Marcus laughed and shook his head as he sat down near a river that crossed the magnificent field. The water was shining in the moonlight, although the man with blue skin suspected that if he didn't like it, the glow would dissappear. Everything here was trying to please him, to make him feel better.

"Not just me." The guy with black hair shook his head as his friend settled now nearby. "Every Admin that managed to survive the War built this place, this sanctuary before giving their powers up for the greater good."

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