Chapter 6.

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"What is this?"

Fred just shrugged. He wished he could answer that question, but the truth was that it still remained unknown to him as well. The small hole in the ground seemed to become just a little bit bigger, and if he looked hard enough he could easily see it pulsing weakly, swallowing more and more ground with every minute or so.

"Be careful." Xara whispered when Romeo curiously reached out to touch the whole, her hand caringly taking his wrist and her violet eyes narrowed in suspicion. "I don't think it's safe to touch."

"What?" The guy whined, all his bitterness and envy already forgotten, and stared at the whole in almost awe. "Whyyyy?"

"Because we don't know what it is." Usually the woman would've got irritated by Romeo's foolishness, but now all the cells of her body were vary, telling her to stay away from that hole no matter what. "It can be dangerous. It can-"

She swallowed the rest of the phrase and only glanced at Fred, asking for either reassurness or for help, she wasn't sure herself. However, what she did find was a weird look of his red eyes, the gaze filled with almost longing that was glued to the hole. He didn't say a word, but his fingers lightly tapped on his legs.

"Have you ever seen anything like it?" Romeo whispered when she calmly pulled his hand out of Xara's grasp and knelt down by the hole in the ground, albeit staying away from it. His hands picked up a small stone which he immediatelly threw in the hole. All three friends froze there, waiting desperately for the sound of the stone hitting the bottom of the unusual hole.

But it never came.

"We gotta stay away from it." The woman whispered, grabbing the young guy by his elbow and pulling him up on his feet. He let out a whine of dissapointment but didn't fight, his lava-like eyes wide in confusion, thrill and weak fear. "This-this can't be good. We have to leave it be."

"Leave it be?!" Fred scoffed, and for the first time in, maybe, forever, his voice expressed something that could easily be mistaken for anger. "We-no, we can't do it! This is far too grand!"

"But we don't even know what this is!" Xara exclaimed, her eyes wide. Was he actually saying that this hole could be good? No! No, it absolutely couldn't. "I-look, you've always told us to be careful with something we don't understand, right? This is exactly the same thing! We have no idea what it is or what it's doing here, heck, you yourself said that it wasn't you who had created this thing! And-and it couldn't have been me or Romeo, right? We haven't been in this part of the forest for ages!"

Fred shook his head and knelt down by the pulsing hole, holding his hand above it. A small smile lingered on his face when he almost felt small hands wrap around his fingers and pull them down into the hole. Shivers ran down his spine and he purred in pleasure.

"This is nothing like your powers." He argued, although there was no hostility in his voice. He was just far too calm to be even slightly angry or annoyed at his friends, who just refused to understand the power of this unknown hole. "They hurt you. This is-this is something great. Don't you two feel it? Those warm waves coming from it, inviting you closer..."

Romeo widened his eyes, taking a small step forward and shaking Xara's hand off his elbow. Fred made this thing sound so cool, so amazing! The redhead suddenly wanted nothing more than to touch it, to feel those waves his friend was talking about.

"I feel waves, alright." Xara murmured, carefully watching the redhead move closer to the hole, his movements hesitant and slow, as if he was asking himself if this was the right thing to do. No. No it wasn't. It was a horrible idea, couldn't either of them see it?!

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