Chapter 15.

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Fred didn't even care at this point that everything he felt and every thought that rushed through his head could've been affected by this place. He loved it. He loved it with his entire body, his entire heart, heck, his entire being! Every little bit of this place brought a smile on his face, and he really couldn't understand how some people could feel angry or scared here.

Every villager of the Valley was happy and smiling, and it felt like some of them didn't even know how to frown or to shout. Happiness and joy was coming from inside their hearts, and his was beginning to fill up to the brim with all this love. Truly, this place was loved, this place was something he could gladly call his home.

The streets were lined with fairy lights that glowed white and bright blue, and they looked like small stars in the dark sky. The moon here was enormous, but not threatening to crush the people underneath it. Even better, it seemed to be the perfect size for calm night walks and sitting on the riverbank, deep in thoughts.

"Hey there!" Suddenly a familiar voice called Fred and he turned his head, immediately smiling at Chloe and Marcus, who were sitting on the stairs of some house. It was, like all the rest of the houses, small and made of wood, and on the front door there was drawn a bright and beautiful picture of some woman. The male tilted his head, admiring the picture.

The woman in it was wearing the same black cloak he and his friends were wearing, the sign of an Admin. Her skin was golden, like Xara's, but less resembled gold itself than honey. The hair of this female Admin was short and white, but not as white as Marcus's skin. She was standing with a wide smile on her face and her white eyes glowing welcomingly.

"Like it?" Chloe smiled and nodded towards the door. "That's me. What I used to look like before my powers were taken away."

Oh, right. The man with blue skin looked around, only now seeing that the rest of the houses also carried pictures of what their inhabitants used to look like before losing their powers.

"Doesn't it feel strange to you to see this every day?" He asked and sat down beside them as Marcus scooted away to give him some space. "I just thought that you would want to forget all you can about that War and your past."

Chloe huffed silently and shook her head. The Admin with black eyes sighed and looked at Fred with worry written all over his face.

"Nobody wants to forget about their past." He explained, and his voice was heavy, like he knew more than he was supposed to know. "It's in our nature. We want to make sure we stay ourselves, which is why we have to be reminded of what and who we used to be."

He nodded towards the painting and smiled. The woman let out a sigh and put her hand on the wood of the door, smiling rather sadly.

"When we got rid of them, it felt like we lost a part of ourselves." She whispered and lovingly stroked the picture. "These remind us that, no matter what, we're still us. And that's all that's important."

Fred looked at his hands and bit his lip. If they do it, if they actually give their powers away, he would look like an ordinary human, like every other villager in the Valley. He knew he would miss his looks, though, this blue skin and long, dark hair and those red eyes that seemed to have a calming effect on anyone that looked in them for too long.

"Isn't this what your friends are afraid of?" Marcus asked and smiled friendly at the other male. "Losing themselves? Many of them also had this issue."

He pointed at the people that were walking around and chatting carelessly. Someone waved at the three of them and walked away. A group of people got together in a small circle while one played some sort of a musical instrument he had created. The air smelled of fresh bread and hot chocolate, and for another time did Fred wish he could stay here forever. In this land of peace and friendship, with no wars, no dangers, no anger.

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