Chapter 11.

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Marcus led the way towards the small village, three friends slowly following him. Xara and Romeo were sticking together, and the woman glared at everything that surrounded them in mistrust. The colours were far too bright for her liking, and the whole landscape looked fake. Almost as if it was nothing more than a mere decoration, a very good decoration, meant only to deceive her and her friends.

The young redhead, though also suspicious of his surroundings, showed far less hostility. His eyes went wide at the sight of new creatures, the ones he had never jet before. A huge golden cat with long fur around its neck purred loudly and pushed its muzzle under his hand, wanting to be petted. The guy giggled childishly and stroked the fur of the beast that was almost bigger than him.

And then there was Fred. Ye was walking almost by Marcus's side, gaping at the beauty all around him. Everything here - the grass, the trees, the water and the sky - was so peaceful, so calming. He wanted nothing more than to close his eyes and sleep here forever.

"The Valley is a home for all Admins that have given their powers up for the greater good." The man with white skin explained with a rather friendly smile. "Here, they are safe and sound, and also happy. Every person you're about to see has either fought in the Great War or seen it, and they all know everything about the dangers that our powers carry."

"Wait, are you saying that there are many more of people like us?" Fred raised an eyebrow. "How many are there at all?"

Marcus tilted his head thoughtfully.

"I'd say that the Valley is inhabited by about fifty ex-Admins." He replied. "There have been more than seven hundred of us before the Great War, and there would've been around three hundred now if I hadn't collected most of the Admin Berries before they had time to grow into actual beings."

The man with blue skin widened his red eyes. How terrible had that war been if from seven hundred Admins only fifty survived?! Marcus smiled at the look on his face and moved some bushes aside to reveal the Valley itself.

"Whoa!" Romeo gasped in utter shock and awe at the sight of it. It wasa small village with not so many beautiful houses in it. The road was made of golden sand, and there were small ponds with water so blue t by at it looked like a piece of the sky itself. "It's... Beautiful!"

"Beautiful, yeah." Xara purched her lips and folded her arms. "Realistic, not at all."

"Are you saying that you think that it's only here to convince you to give your powers up?" Marcus smiled. He seemed to get used to the fact that the woman didn't trust him at all. "Well, you might not believe me, but I bet you'll believe the others. They'll tell you all about the Great War if you want to listen."

She rolled her eyes and scoffed, although her violet eyes did inch towards the people that were calmly walking around the village and chatting to each other. Then a woman with short yellow-ish hair looked up and her eyes widened before a smile appeared on her face.

"Marcus!" She waved her hand friendly. "You-you've found them! You actually have!"

Romeo tilted his head at the woman, his eyes slightly narrowing. Who was it? He was about to ask that question when Marcus turned towards him and Xara and explained with a rather big smile.

"Romeo, Xara, Fred, this is Chloe." He spoke and Chloe waved her hand again when three pairs of different eyes stared right on her, each carrying different emotion in them. "She's a good friend of mine, and she is also one of the ex-Admins that have survived the Great War."

"Th-the War?" The blonde woman tilted her head. "Why are you telling them about it? And why are they still... Admins?"

Xara immediately scowled, all her thoughts about this woman turning into something darker.

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