Chapter 21.

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Xara flinched upon hearing that shout, her eyes going wide immediately. Fred tensed up beside her, his mouth slightly open and his body shaking a little. But she didn't feel him nearby, she wasn't aware of the croud that surrounded her and the exclaims coming from everywhere.

Her gaze was glued to the unconscious body of her best friend. He lay there, on the Arena, suddenly appearing very small and fragile after what had just happened. The stupid necklace was still there on his chest, and it wasn't hard to see that the stripe over Romeo's neck was almost torn in one place.

Just to think about it. They were about to lose.

"We've won." Fred muttered, and for some reason his voice wasn't as enthusiastic as it was supposed to be. "We... We've won!"

Scratch that, a beam appeared on his face as he cuddled Xara into himself, and she wrapped her arms around his big body too. Romeo had done it! He had defeated Marcus!

Suddenly fear shot through the female Admin. Romeo! Her head whipped around and in one movement she jumped over the fence, rushing towards her friend. He was breathing, thankfully, but his eyes were closed and there was cold sweat covering his forehead. Teleportation had never been easy for him, poor man.

"Marcus!" There came a shout and Xara turned her head just enough to see Chloe help the older Admin on his feet. He looked even more pale than usual, and he leaned on the girl for support. At least he was walking, at least he was very well. The woman with purple hair scoffed.

Great. Now they could go.

"What happened there?" Some people asked and leaned over the fence to see the Arena itself. "How-how are they?!"

"Th-the kid..." Marcus groaned and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, they were normal pitch black colour. No more of that freaky glow inside them. "He... He teleported, and-and I thought he was fine, so I did it as well and..."

He huffed and looked at Xara with pain in his gaze. She could help smirking at him, though she did try to cover it. Romeo's limp body was lifted up and when she looked up, she saw Fred gently cuddle the boy into himself.

"Does teleportation always bring him such agony?" The Admin with purely white skin asked. The female nodded sadly and bit herself to stop smiling. Now was not the time.

"He's been trying to do it so many times that we've lost count." She admitted. "But whenever he does it, this happens every time."

"I was so worried when he popped up a few feet away from where he had lay." Fred joined the conversation, hugging Romeo more into himself. The kid groaned silently and turned his head away from light. "He almost always passes out whenever it happens, but he actually got uo and began to fight... I had never thought he would be this strong."

Xara nodded in agreement. She could only imagine how horrible teleportation must've felt for Romeo, but since it even managed to defeat Marcus, it was to be very and very painful. Even now the older Admin was struggling to stand on his own, though he looked much better compared to the way he had looked like.

"Right..." The said Admin sighed and shook his head to clear it of all thoughts. "Uh... You-you can place him in the bed in my house, he'll recover there soon enough."

"No, thank you." The woman huffed and shook her head stubbornly. "We're going home, he'll come to his senses there."

This world was still creepy as hell. She would much prefer sleeping in her own bed, in her own world, looking at her own stars that shine on her own sky. Not spend another minute in this all-too-perfect world that looks fake.

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