Chapter 5| The Plan

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After reading the text of Taehyun, I closed my phone and under my desk. Taehyun glance at me and I gave him a thumbs up.


We are currently in Hana's house to discuss our group project. Y/n came with me just to know our group discussion. We sat down in the living room with some research papers and laptops.

"It's very hard to decide a place! Mrs. Jung said that there will be no copying of place. We also need to excel in creativity and uniqueness because they have the biggest percentage in the criteria" Yejin said, frustrated. Y/n was just sitting in one of the sofa, watching us.

"The tourists will stop by in our school and listen to our report. We can't have a place that is very common. Somewhere that little tourist or even korean's doesn't know. A place or spot that will interest them" Taehyun said. Suddenly, Y/n screamed making me flinched a little in my seat.

"Omo! Snow!" Y/n cooed. We then saw a white dog running towards us. Hana get the dog and caress it.

"Snow! You're already big!" I heard Yejin said. Everyone's attention is in the dog, petting it.  Snow then went down from Hana's grip and run going somewhere. I was surprise when she stopped at a sofa, where Y/n was sitting. To others, it seems like its empty but to me, Y/n was there. Y/n smiled and start patting the dog. Snow lay down on its back for Y/n to rub her tummy.

"Aigoo, did you miss me? I miss you too" Y/n said. She suddenly realize that she's a ghost and people can't see her. Our group mates widened their eyes because of the scene.

"Snow? Waegeurae? (Why are you like that?)" Hana said worriedly. Hana stood up and get Snow. She started looking around, afraid of why Snow was acting that way. She carried Snow but Snow refuses. Snow start barking at Y/n's direction, indicating she wants to be with her.

"Yah! Do you have a ghost here? Snow is acting so different" Wooseok said.

"Musoowo (I'm afraid)" Yejin said. I looked at Y/n and she seems uncomfortable about it.

"Snow! Stop!" Y/n commanded Snow while pointing at him. Snow suddenly stop barking and stayed quiet. Y/n can communicate with animals?

"Let's just continue" Yejin said. Hana went back to her seat and we all continued researching about our project.


"This is hard!" Hana exclaimed.

"Let's just pick the common destinations" Wooseok said.

"Wooseok-ah, we are targeting the creativity and the uniqueness here. We can't just pick the common destination" Hana said. Everyone sighed in frustration.

"It's okay, we still have a month to think about it and 2 weeks to prepare our report" Yejin said trying to lift up the spirit of everyone.

"Only if Y/n is here. She always think in a creative way" Hana said.

"Speaking of Y/n, you guys haven't found her yet?" Taehyun asked.

"No we haven't. We are actually scared. What if she got lost?" Yejin said. Lost? I looked at Y/n. She shrugged and look back at Yejin.

O.M.G (Oh My Ghost)| Choi Beomgyu ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang