Gray feels sorry?

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Gray:" my heart was thumping again when she it fear?"(shocked)

Lucy stares back at gray:" I'm warning you...a girl's heart is not something you can play with!"(pissed)

Gray:" me girl's are nothing more than useless junk to play with"
Lucy:" Gray fullbuster I dare you to say it again!"(shouts)

Kaname pulls her back:" Juvia"(hands his sweater over to cover her torned clothing)

Juvia:" arigatou kaname...lucy lets go back...I don't want you to act  like this...please"(on the verge of tears)

Lucy:" I'll let you off ...count yourself lucky gray fullbuster..."

Gray:" hmmm....hey vice prez...there's something I want to say...your my 57th girl"(grins)
Lucy(furious):" you bastard! I was about to let you just want to get a beating don't you?!"(punches gray hardly)

Gray:" kuh!"
Lucy:" I could make that dumb face of yours blue and black all over ....wanna try?"(stern look)
Gray:" tch......"(dashes away)
Kaname:" lu chan lets go.."

Lucy falls to the ground:" mm......."?(teary)
Juvia:" lucy?"
Kaname:" lucy!"(dashes to lucy to aid)
Lucy:" I'm fine...just a little tired..sorry kaname...:you  may have to carry me back"(chuckles)
Kaname:" you sure are heavy..."
Lucy:" ....thanks "
Kaname:" your welcome"
Juvia:" lucy arigatou..if you weren't there I would have suffered a huge blow enough to get into coma"(chuckles)
Lucy:" cry it out idiot....I know your don't hold it in"

Juvia(teary):" you didn't have to say that..."(sobs)

Gray:" what am I feeling guilty about..this is the real me....I'm never going to change..."(guilty)
Ichigo:" juvia chan are you alright?"

Juvia:"  I feel the pain you went through...I finally woke up from fantasy"(grins)
Ichigo:" cheer up that guy is a rotten brat and he's never gonna change..."
Lucy:" ichigo your here??"(hugs)

Ichigo:" onee sama I baked this"
Lucy:" wa...cookies!"(glimmering eyes)

Sting:" wa give me one too!"
Lucy:" don't be greedy sting...taking 5 at once"(chuckles)

A sudden doorbell could be heard...

Juvia:" I'll go get it"
Gray bows:" I'm sorry for yesterday"
Juvia:" iyaa! go away!"(shiver)
Lucy:" juvia? gray fullbuster!"(pissed)
Gray:" I apologize for my wrong doings...seems like this  was unexpected"(guilty)

Lucy:" ...where did yesterday's arrogant brat go?"
Gray:" heaven...I thought about it yesterday...I kept feeling guilty no matter what so this was my resolve..."

Lucy(shocked):" your creeping me out.....stop that are you having a cold or what?"

Gray:" no....I swear that I am being truthful"(bows)
Lucy:" We forgive you get lost!"(shocked)

Kaname:" thats a sudden change"
Ichigo:" it gives me the creeps"

Lucy:" don't worry I'll be on the look out"

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