My love

798 21 15

Jimins pov

There were no words to describe the feeling I was feeling at this moment.

Yoongi and I were laughing and singing all the way to Jin's new gym, Double Panthers Gym.

I don't mind the name but it means things for Jin so I will like it for him even though I suggested a different and better name.

"I still can't believe we are married," Yoongi smiled and put his hand on my thigh.

"Yeah, and you still haven't told me where our honeymoon is?"

"We are going, drum roll please," he said and I started doing a drum roll on my legs after I moved his hand. "Singapore!" My eyes widened.

"Did I hear you correctly? Did you say Singapore?" I asked

"Yes and it gets even better, Jungkook is paying."

"Okay, that is amazing!" I squealed and looked out the window.

"It is but why do you look upset?" He asked. I turned to look at Yoongi and put my hand on his.

"My mom was raised in Singapore after I was born and she couldn't travel there after us and when she was going to have JiHyun she wanted to go but god had other plans. She died giving birth so her goal became mine."

"Aw well, now that is out of your system be happy and let's go see how Jin did," Yoongi said and parked the car.

I took a deep breath before getting out of the car with Yoongi and walked inside.


"Holy shit!" Yoongi and I said as we looked around.

The room was filled with everything they wanted from the lavender medley flowers to the black and gold decorations.

"I can't believe he did all this. Babe look he even set up the ring." I smiled and ran to the ring before using the top to help me up.

"Don't fall," Yoongi warned and I knew he had already gone behind me.

"I won't, now my little rapper come here," I turned around and helped Yoongi up. "Have you thought of having kids?" I asked and watched Yoongi freeze.

"Yes, but I would like a couple years of just you and me." I nodded.

"Yeah we can travel and work on our careers before having kids but I want you to think about it."

"I will baby," Yoongi smiled and put an arm around me as we both hung onto the rope.

"When do you think the others will get here?" I asked.

"We are already here, we just didn't say anything." We turned around and I yelped when I saw everyone partially seated.

"Oh well hi." Yoongi waved and jumped down to help me down.

"So let's sit down and start eating!" I announced and we walked to our table and waited for our meals to come out as some of the underground rappers performed.


"Jimin you said you wanted to fight me, so let's go at it big brother." I heard and I smirked.

"You want to fight me, Park Jimin?" I stood up. "Guys, what happens when I fight?" I asked.

"THEY LOSE," they all yelled at JiHyun.

"LET'S GO." I then yelled and took off my jacket and unbuttoned one more button on my shirt.

"Don't hurt him too badly," I heard JiHyuns wife, Aisha say.

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