Getting Ready (pt 2)

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Jimins pov

"JIMIN GET YOUR ASS UP IT'S YOUR WEDDING!" I heard Jin yell as he knocked on my hotel room door.

"SHUT UP FOR A SEC," I yelled back and slid out of my bed before going to the door and opening it.

"Hey!" I smiled and opened the door more so the rest of my grooms could walk in.

"Jimin, Taehyung, Wonho, and John are getting food and will be back soon, but for now I am going to make up take a shower." Jin smiled pushing me to my bathroom.

I groaned as I started taking my clothes off and then hopped in the shower for the next 30 minutes.

When I was done I dried off and put my robe on and then walked out to sit on my bed.

"You ready?" Wonho asked and I nodded.

"Yeah now, can I have the food?" I asked making grabby hands at John who was holding pancakes.

"Needy bitch," I heard him say and I gasped.

"Mean but true." I smiled, taking the food, and then eating.

"Okay, so Chim there is your suit. Please sit here and I can start doing your hair." Taehyung ordered and I nodded before walking to the seat in front of a mirror.

After an hour and a half, my makeup and hair was finally done, so then I went to put my suit on.

"Wow Jimin you look really nice," Wonho said and patted my back as I looked myself in the mirror.

"Yeah," I mumbled but something in my mind was flashing 'Danger' signs as I looked myself up and down.

"What's wrong?" John whispered and I looked up at him.

"Let's go into the hall. Guys, we will be right back." I said and dragged John outside with me. "I am scared about being with Yoongi for the rest of my life." I blurted out and watched as John's eyes widened.

"What does that mean? Like do you not want to continue the wedding?" I shook my head.

"No I want to marry him but I-I don't know." I sighed. "I am scared of being happy maybe? You know I didn't have the best childhood, teenage years, and some of my adulthood so I feel like I can't be happy for that long." He nodded.

"Well, you love him right?" I nodded, "Well then don't have any concerns. You know when I married Jayla I was so scared, you saw me at my wedding, I was freaking sweating like no tomorrow, I was so scared about our future but when she walked down the aisle I know I was making the right decision. All my worries disappeared as I watched her." He smiled.

"I think I need to see him," I mumbled. "Could you give me to the park near my house?" I asked and he nodded.

"Let me grab my keys and let's get going," he said and knocked on the door.

3rd person pov

John slightly looked at Jimin as he knocked again.

"Hey what's is it?" Jin whispered after he opened the door.

"Jimins getting cold feet so I am taking him to the park where I think he is going to meet up with Yoongi," John said looking for his keys.

"Here," Wonho threw the keys at him and then went back to helping Taehyung with his hair.

"Okay we will be back, and make sure you're all done when we get back," John ordered and then walked out to see Jimin sitting on the ground. "Let's go kido." John chuckled helping Jimin up before the two walked to John's car and then to the park.

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