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Jin's pov

I was picking at the skin around my fingernail as we got into Namjoons car.

"Where are we going?" I asked looking at Namjoon.

"An Italian place that I like going too-".

"Alone or with other people?" I asked again looking out the window.

"I usually go alone or with my mom. If I go on a date I wouldn't take them to a place where love so much."

"And why do you love it so much?"

"My family uh owns it." I froze.

"Am I meeting your family?" I asked kind of hopeful but mostly scared, this is too early.

"It depends on if my mom is cooking? She cooks, my sister sometimes waiters there and my dad will once in a blue moon be a waiter and or a cook." I nodded.

"Why Italian?" I asked.

"My mom is Korea's but she came from Padua, Italy and that is also where my parents met." I nodded. "If you don't mind me asking but when I asked about your family you said your only family member was about to die, why?" I sighed.

"I knew you were going to ask." I moved around my seat to look at him. "My mom died from the same way my brother is going to die. We all had or have a thing called Coronary Heart disease. It basically means that sometimes the arteries that take the blood to the heart get clogged and it stops the blood from reaching your heart. It can cause angina, but I take a pill for that-".

"Is that why you quit boxing?" He asked as he parked in the parking lot.

"That is only half of it," he nodded.

"Can you tell me the other half inside?" I nodded. We then got out of the car and walk hand in hand inside.

"Namjoon?" We both looked to our left and Namjoon then left my grasp to hug a girl who I assume is his sister. "Ohh you brought someone!" She pushed him away and then came over to me and hugged me.

"Hi I am Kim Yiren, Namjoons younger sister, and you are?" She asked me, still hugging me.

"Uh, Kim SeokJin but I like to be called Jin," she nodded and then backed up.

"I like him, he is cute. You can follow me now." Yiren said and then walked away with us following.

"Sorry, she is a little outspoken sometimes," Namjoon mumbled rubbing the back of his neck.

"It is fine, I am glad she thinks I am cute." I smiled and then sat down across from Namjoon.

"I think you're cute though," he said and I nodded.

"I know," I winked and took the menu from Yiren's hands.

Once she left, Namjoon put his menu down and started staring at me.

"When do you need Joon?" I asked, continuing to look at the menu.

"You said you would tell me the other reason why you stopped fighting." He said and I sighed putting the menu down.

"One night after a match, my manager offered to drive me home but when the match ended I couldn't find him so I thought I could take a taxi. Wrongo, I never made it to the taxi. When I was changing out of my clothes I was jumped by my opponent and a couple of other big dudes. I was a good boxer but I am only one person and," I sighed, "I wasn't raped or anything but it made me realize that all my training, all my hours I put in practicing, and learning, it was for nothing. So I decided to quit and start teaching other people, kids more precisely. That is how I met Jimin and Jungkook." I said and he nodded, listening intensely.

"What about your dad?" I went still and I think he noticed. "You know what you don't have to tell me," he smiled and then looked at the window to our right.

"No, he died from a car accident a couple years back," I said and he then turned to me and his smile became even bigger. "Aw dimple!" Namjoon chuckles and nodded pushing the spots of his dimples.

"Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me," he said and took my hand and started caressing it.

"Hey lovebirds what would you like to drink?" Yiren asked opening a note pad.

"Diet Coke please," I smiled and she slightly blushed.

"Uh, Yiren don't look at my boyfriend like that." I looked at him but he wouldn't look me in my eyes.

"Sorry Joonie," he rolled his eyes.

"Can I also have a Diet Coke?" She nodded and then walked away.

"So I am your boyfriend?" I squinted my eyes.

"Well maybe, if you let me after this hopefully you will be?" Namjoon flinched like I was about to hit him.

"Why do it later when you could do it now?" I asked and he opened his eyes.

"You'd let me?" I nodded.

"Of course I would let you. You're, your own self you can do it when you want, you don't need to be let." I snickered.

"So Jin we haven't known-".

"We are not getting married you know that right?" Namjoon laughed but then suddenly stopped, scaring me.

"Here are your drinks." Yiren suddenly said and placed our drinks down. "Do you know what you want to eat?" She asked and we nodded.

"Can I have the spaghetti, please?" I smiled and handed her my menu.

"You know what I want." Namjoon smiled and gave her the menu.

"Okay one spaghetti and one lasagna," she said and then walked off.

"Now back to our conversation." I looked at Namjoon and he nodded. "Do you want to do it just in case if I am doing it wrong-".

"I never said that." I rolled my eyes.

"You were thinking it, I can tell. So please you do it," he smirked and I crossed my arms pouting.

"Just ask," I mumbled and he nodded.

"Jin, will you be my boyfriend? Was that enough for you?" He asked and I laughed.

"You're funny, I like that and yes Namjoon I will be your boyfriend!" I smiled.

"I will kiss you later," he winked and I choked on my spit.

"How do you know I won't knock you on your ass?" I asked and Namjoon raised an eyebrow.

"I don't," he said and then I bit my lip, holding back my laughter.

"You're whiling to put your ass on the line just to kiss me?" Namjoon nods.

"Are you sure it is my ass and not yours?" Okay, that was it, I full-on laughed.

"Shut up, the food is here." I blushed slightly and watched as Yiren set our food down.

"Good luck lovebirds!" Namjoon smiled and then she walked away.

"What should we do after this?" I asked but then started moaning when I tasted the food.

"I have a pretty good idea." I heard him mumbled but I didn't care all I wanted to do was eat the food. "Come on talk to me," I looked up as he continued to whine.

"You are a big baby." I chuckled and set down the fork.

"I got to ask you one more thing," I tilted my head.


"Why are you so handsome?" I shrugged.

"My mom and dad were pretty good looking. Now eat so we can do what you wanted." I winked and he started eating faster.

'Wish me luck Jimin.' I chuckled as the bill was soon coming.


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