“So how are you holding up Kara?  How’s Braylin and his brothers.  This has got to be a harrowing experience for all of you.”  Mica questions with a furrowed brow. 

“It’s not easy….I want to be there for Braylin…I also really like Lester and I want him to come out of this okay.  I just hope he comes out of the coma alright.”  Kara sadly answers. 

“You know….I’ve never liked any of the Sheffield’s the whole time I worked for them.  I really couldn’t stand Mrs. Sheffield, but I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.  I know what he did to you Kara and he should have paid for it but this….I didn’t expect him to lose his life in a car accident.”  Casey replies. 

“Yeah…it’s all so surreal the connection the three men have in common.  They had to be all going to that restaurant for dinner or something since it was the only place close by.  It’s crazy that Liam and Maxim were driving the same type of car?  I mean how did Liam get ahold of a car like that when he’s on the run?  Where did the money come from to get something like that?  Were his parents helping him while coming to the Hurst for help?”  Darla exclaims. 

“Ah….I don’t know but I don’t think they had that kind of money.   I haven’t discussed that with Braylin.  Its day three we’re still not any closer to finding out what happened.  We know that Lester and Maxim know each other but we don’t know where or how Liam gets thrown into the picture.” 

Kara moves around the kitchen accepting a cup of coffee from Darla and taking a seat across from Mica at the table. 

“Liam was on the run so anything’s possible.  The police haven’t been able to speak with Lester or Maxim yet.   This is all just so unbelievable you know.  Lester’s in a coma, Maxim appears to have lost his memory and now he’s unconscious.  I mean he’s in and out but he doesn’t recognize his own father.  The doctor told his dad that something traumatic must have occurred and he’s repressing everything.  His father looked so broken when they told him and the poor Sheffield’s.  I felt so bad for them in spite of what Liam did.” 

“One of the officer’s told us they have different witness reports they have to work through.  There are different accounts of what happened.  Liam got the worst of it all, he lost his life.  They thought at first he was going to make it they did an emergency surgery he lost a leg, but something happened I don’t know….a few hours later we were told he was dead.”   Kara swallows the lump in her throat. 

“Did you get along with Amelia while you were there? You haven’t said anything about her I’m assuming she was by her husband’s side when they arrived?”  Mica asks. 

“Actually….she wasn’t with him.  I don’t know where she was, he never said or seemed to care that she wasn’t there.  It was strange, Michelle and I were trying to comfort him the best we could.  I sort of felt bad for him but my mother is a selfish woman.  Who knows where she was, maybe she’ll be there with him today.”  Kara comments. 

They sit around for about an hour asking Kara questions letting the subject slowly change to matters in the restaurant. 

“Hey Kara did anybody tell Lester’s wife what was going on?”  Darla thoughtfully ask. 

“I don’t know….there divorced why would she need to know?  I don’t think it was an amicable divorce.”  Kara shrugs her shoulders looking at Darla.  Casey and Mica turn to look at her too. 

Darla blushes causing Mica to smirk.  “What do you know about his ex-wife and how do you know?”  He curiously ask. 

“Oh don’t give me that look, I know nothing about her really except that Aaron mentioned her a couple of days ago when we were talking that’s all.”  Darla defends herself. 

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