Chapter 2

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School started two days later. I spent the entire New Year's Day thinking about that mind-blowing kiss Jace gave me that night. I feel so embarrassed thinking of how I actually reciprocated. What if he was just playing with me? I feel stupid.

Freak, I'm going to be seeing him today.

As soon as I reached school, I made a beeline to my locker. I hope he won't come by. As much as I like him, I can't help but think that he probably kissed me because of his raging hormones. I am just one of many girls for him.

I placed my bag into my locker and shut the door. All of a sudden, I spotted him. Crap. He seemed to have noticed me as he immediately walked towards me. Pretending not to see him, I turned and walked away quickly.

Please don't chase me. Please don't chase me. "Hey, Belinda!" he called out.

As soon as I heard my name, I ran towards the girl's bathroom. There's no way he will go in there just to talk to me. He'll get detention for that. It will be the talk of the town and the popular Jace Leighton wouldn't want a scandal.

After a few minutes, I slowly peeked out to check if the coast was clear. No Jace Leighton in sight! I walked out thinking it was safe.

"Belinda," I suddenly heard Jace say.

"Ah!" I yelped as I jumped away from him. "Oh, uh, hi! What's up?"

"Belinda," he said in a graver tone. "You seem to be avoiding me. I thought things were okay between us. Why are you suddenly avoiding me? Is it something I did? Let's talk, okay? I thought we were friends."

Friends don't kiss each other.

I looked around for someone to save me from this embarrassing situation. Where are you, Yvette, when I need you the most? "I'm not avoiding you," I lied.

"Come on, Belinda, you totally are," he hissed. "You ran to the girl's bathroom as soon as you saw me. You know I'm not allowed to enter. Come on, tell me why you're avoiding me. Is it because of the kiss we had at my party?"

"No, I'm not," I replied, trying to sound as firm as possible. I felt bad about lying but I wanted to get out of this awkward situation as soon as possible. My mind wandered to the kiss that night... Stop! Stop thinking about that!

"Fine, whatever you say. How about we head out for lunch after school?" he asked.

Someone, help me. "Oh! I really want to go but I have something on after school," I said, averting my eyes. Where the hell are you, Yvette? This would be a great time to appear out of nowhere! Hello! Yvette? Can you hear me?

"Oh, really? What is it?" he asked, smirking.

"Um, I have work to do," I replied, trying to sound as convincing as possible. "You see, I have this project going on and it's due like next week. Haha."

"Oh, really? It's like the first day back in school after winter recess and class hasn't even started. Plus, I know you don't take part in school campaigns and there are no club activities. No one has anything after school today other than remedial students," he said firmly.

Shit. "Uh, it's not a school project! And I'm going out for lunch with Yvette after that so I really can't go out for lunch with you," I replied. It's kind of true. I usually have lunch with Yvette but, today, I'm not sure if she has lunch at home.

He nodded slowly. "Okay, then. What about dinner? Or dinner tomorrow? Or lunch on Saturday? Sunday? Give me a date you're free, okay? Here's my number. I'll be waiting for your text." With that, he wrote his number on a piece of paper and handed it to me.

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