Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

The next day.

Kate POV

I could not stop thinking about last night's events; ugh, why was this happening to me? Why couldn't I like a normal guy? Why couldn't I be a normal girl, and live normal lives?

I can only imagine how much Jake must really hate me and I don't think I could ever face him again.

Tears began to form, and they slowly roll down my face.

I should have trusted him. I knew he wouldn't have liked that I lied to him, but it would have been better if I told him rather than him just finding out.

I wiped my tears away and headed to the bathroom. I am not looking forward to today it will be a long day of fake smiling, so I just have to ignore my feeling for now. I'll just deal with this when I get back.

I got into the shower and washed my hair, I loved the feeling of the warm water on my skin, it just felt like my worries were being washed away but ofcourse that feeling is only temporary. I got out of the shower and blow dryer my hair. As I looked at my reflection I saw my sad eyes staring back at me. You've really made a bis mess of things.

Last nights events still paying back in my mind, I begin to cry again.

I texted Bella, and told her to met by a little restaurant not too far from here for breakfast in 30 mins, and she replied instantly with a "okay".

I finished getting really and made my way there. I breathed in deeply, filling my lungs with well needed air.

When I reached the restaurant Bella was already there.

"Hey Kate" Bella said.

I smiled "Hey"

"How was last night Bella"

"Uh, it was amazing, from the food, the music, you winning the contest, and all the good looking men, it was heaven"

I couldn't help but smile at her. i'm happy she enjoyed herself, i wish I could have said the same for me.

"What about you?" Bella asked.

" I thought it was going well, I was having fun, until I saw Jake and he over heard them calling me by my title"

What?! No way, Jake was there?"Bella asked in shock.

"I'm so stupid I should have known that there was a chance that he would be friends with Kimberly and be invited. Now I don't think I'll be able to speak to him again."

"Stop that, if he knows what's good for him he would get rid of the Poisonous snake Lily and be with you, regardless of you not telling him the whole truth" Bella said.

"You and I both know that that would never happen, but I have a question for you, if he has to choose someone from the competition I would rather it be you. You're such a sweet person, your kind and loving and I know that you would be a great queen, so what do you think? I can teach you everything I know and I know that the queen will accept you and I'm sure Jake would too" I tried to smile to hid the pain behind my words.

"What do I think? I think that's crazy, I don't love him, you do! You want me to be with him because you think that I'm a good person (which I am) but Jake doesn't need another friend. He struck gold when he found you, YOU are a kind person, YOU are a loving person, the country would love you as their queen and the bonus is that he actually loves YOU.

"Why couldn't you just say okay and make my life easier" I dropped my head on the table.

"Love isn't easy, hun. Now come on, get your face off the table, we have to get ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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My Prince * needs editing* previously known as I'm so Stupid I fell in love ...Where stories live. Discover now