Chapter 9-Ideas and Challenges

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I'm sorry I haven’t uploaded this in a while but I have finals next week and I really need to study, but I just thought I would uploaded this. Hope you all haven’t forgotten me

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It would mean the world to me. :D

I woke up this morning, the sun trying to creep through the  curtains, I was on my stomach so I stretched out like a cat, digging my nails into the pillows.Sitting up straight I yawned in the world, I looked at the time and almost choked on the air filling up my lungs. It was 12:06! Oh no the girls must be here already, why didn’t anyone wake my up, better yet why didn’t my alarm go off. I jumped out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and took a shower, the water felt so nice I didn’t want to come out, but unfortunately good things never last. I quickly pulled on my jeans, slippers and a t-shirt that said “I’m so awesome”. Yeah I know if not appropriate for bringing in front of the queen but it was the closest thing to me and I was late.

I quickly made my way down the stairs and I could hear laughter and talking getting louder. They were outside in the garden. I walked out and all the girls were staring at me. I could tell they were judging me, I suddenly felt self-conscience of what I was wearing because all of them were either wearing a knee length dress of a top and skirt. I am certainly not a tomboy but I just felt like dressing down today, I should have put more thought into this.

“ah Katherine you finally decided to grace us with you presence” the queen stated. My blush rapidly reached my face and I looked down, I felt like a kid stealing candy from the fridge and her parent’s caught her.

“please take a seat”

I made my way to the back, so that no one would stare at me.

“like as I saying, this is not just a competition, this is my sons heart, this is choosing the future queen” she went on. Yes I know all of this, I wish Jake wasn’t a prince, why couldn’t I like someone who was normal.


I mean I like him and all but


He is a prince and I can’t deal—


Ok who the hell is messing up my inward rant. I snapped my head about the curse this girl out.

And that’s when I saw her, someone I taught I would never see again or even for a long while. Her red hair rested on her shoulder as she smiled at me, I could see her brown eyes dancing with excitement. Oh how I’ve missed her, I jumped from my seat and ran to her and hugged her as if the world would end if I let her go. The girls seem to be oblivious to the scene unfolding behind them

My best friend was here, I couldn’t believe it.

Questions insanely flooded my head

Why are you here?

I mean don’t take that the wrong way, I happy you’re here.

How did you get here?

Are you staying long?

‘Slow down Kati, there will be plenty of time for questions”

“Isabella, you have no Idea how I’ve missed you, how hard it is to be so far from home”

“Yes but it gets a little easier when there’s a prince involved” She teased me

 I held my head down blushing like crazy.

My Prince * needs editing* previously known as I'm so Stupid I fell in love ...Where stories live. Discover now