Chapter 15- Starting Over?... Yeah Right

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To my loyal fans and readers thank you so much for your patience and I hope you like this chapter. It took me a while but I finally got it. I am dedicating this chapter to loveable8 because her comment made me laugh and she encouraged me to write the rest of the chapter. So here it is.


Chapter 15

Monday morning came all too quickly, it was 6 a.m, I pressed the snooze button, rolled on my stomach and put the pillow over my head. 10 minutes flew by quickly and my alarm was going off again, I groaned and pressed the pillow down hard trying to drown out the sound, but then my phone was going off. Just my luck to have my day start off so badly. I picked up my phone and answered it without looking to see who it was

“hello “ my voice came out scratchy

“Get UP! I know your still in bed and today’s an exciting day,” Bella shouted into the phone causing me to pull it away quickly. Seriously why was she such a morning person.

“Fine fine I’m up”

“Good I’ll pick you up at 7”

“Sorry Bella but Eric wants us to walk in together,” I groaned

“Ah he’s such a prick he just wants to show off, anyway are you wearing the outfit you picked out yesterday”

“No, Eric saw it and told me he has something better to wear, but if it’s some skimpy trash, I’m not wearing, anyway Bella I’ll see you at school”

“Ok later”

(30 munites later)

I was just putting on my shoes, when I heard a knock at my door.

I walked with one of my shoes on and one in my hand, I knew it wasn’t lady-like but I really didn’t care right now.

“Good Morning” I greeted the man at the door.

“Good morning miss Katherine”

“Prince Eric is outside in the car waiting for you”

“Just great thanks, I’ll be down in a minute” I closed the down and continued to put on my shoes. That prick he didn’t even have the decency to come up to my door.

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs, the driver opened the door for me and I thanked him as I got in.

Of course he bought a limo, we’re just going to school couldn’t he just get a regular car.

For the entire car ride I didn’t say anything except for the morning greeting and occasionally saying one or two words as if I was really listening to him.

We finally made of too the school , it was huge, as expected because when the royals do something they go big.

The driver stopped the car in front of the school entrance and I could see all of normal students watching to see who was coming out of the limos.

As I stepped out I quickly noticed something, there were about ten limos in the parking lot and if there weren’t limos they were older models cars of newly painted ones.

I shivered as I felt Eric’s arm slither around my waist and pulling me closer, I tried to pull away but he just held me tighter.

“now now calm down Kat”

“I would if you would let me go”

“ Do you not see the lustful stares in these filthy commoner’s eyes, I’m just showing them that you off limits”

My Prince * needs editing* previously known as I'm so Stupid I fell in love ...Where stories live. Discover now