Chapter 12- Can't run from your past.

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Well here is another chapter, I hope you like because things are about to get crazy. Please continue to vote and comment, I would really apreciate it.

Also Check out the video >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

It beyonce's song 1+1= 2, if you havent heard this song yet, where are you still reading this!!! GO watch the video!!

I really like this song; I actually cried the first time I heard it........ anyway


Chapter 12- Can't run from your past.

“Katerine?” I heard a voice behind me

“Katherine is that really you?”

I turned around and the entire colour drained from my face.

“No” I whispered.

No no no this can’t be happening now, not when everything was going perfectly.

He walked towards me picking me up and spinning me around.

“I’ve missed you so much” He whispered in my ear.

HE gently placed me down, and I took this opportunity to step back. I was speechless, but I should have know my past would catch up with me sooner than later. I just REALLY wished it were later. I stood awkwardly between the two of them. Trying to avoid there gaze, I hadn’t planned for this  ,my heart was racing and my breathing quicken.

“Kat” I heard Jake speak for the first time since this disaster happened.

“Kat, who is this?”

My throat was dry and my mind was blank, how was I going to get out of this one. Maybe I should just run, I mean they would eventually catch me but maybe I would have a plan by then.

Ok on the count of three.




That would have been a great plan, had only my feet listened to me.

“I slowly lifted my head to allow my gaze to meet Jakes. His eyes held confusion and sadness, like he knew what I was about to tell him would change every and it will.

My vision became blurry, my emotions taking over me.

“Jake I’m so sorry” my voice cracked

“Kat what are you talking about”

“This” I pointed to the guy behind me

“This is Eric, and… and he’s m--my finance”

I saw many expressions flash across his face but the one that he made clear was anger.

“What!” He practically shouted.

“Jake I’m so sorry, I never meant to hurt your like this” I sobbed.

‘I wasn’t even suppose to come on this trip with you, but—“

“but what” He cut me off.

“Did you just agree to come on this trip with me because you knew it would be your last adventure single”

“What no! Jake I”

“You know what forget it, I hope you and Eric here are happy”

“Excuse me that’s prince Eric” Eric interrupted.

My Prince * needs editing* previously known as I'm so Stupid I fell in love ...Where stories live. Discover now