Chapter 18- Trouble

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  • Dedicated to My Loyal Fans

Hello my loyal readers thank you so much for your patience, I was honestly losing the passion for this story but I read the comments and you guys pushed me to write this chapter, so once again thank you and I hope you enjoy it xx.

Chapter 18- Trouble

Thank God it was saturday, after last night I could just sleep all day.

my mind flashed back to last night and a smile creep up on my face.

ring ring

I guess someone had other plans for me, I barely opened my eyes, while I was searching for my phone. Argg where is that stupid thing

ring ring

It stoped ringing and I closed my eyes again, well I guess it's back to dream land.

ring ring, ahh I wish whoever it was would stop calling, because there clock must be broken. it's freakin' 9 in the morning ON A SATURDAY, the only thing I should be seeing now is the back of my eyelids.

My phone continued ringing and I reluctanly got up, I finally found it on the floor.

I din't bother to look and see who was calling "Hello"

"Oh my God, you finally answered the phone, I was actually beginning to worry about you"

"oh, hi bella"

"Seriously that's all you got for me, I been trying to call you since last night, someone said you left with some guy, but there were too drunk to remember who it was"

"oh relax it was just Jake"

She went silent for a bit.

"Well then this changes everything, you have to tell me every thing that happened"

"excuse me, who said that ANTHING happened"

"sometimes I think you think i'm an idiot, if I leave you two in a room by yourselves something is going to happen"

She started laughing.

"Let me get ready and then i'll me you at the mall so we can talk"

"OK fine, but don't take too long"

I hung up the phone and hope off the bed, I was now smiling from ear to ear just thinking about Jake. I know I should feel anything but there is just something about him that makes butterflies come to my stomach and  my heart just races.

I was about to go into the bathroom when Eric opened the door and slammed it shut

" Where the F*ck where you last nast ?"

I had never seen him so angry in my life, he grabbed my arm, squeezing it so hard it felt like he was going to break my bone

" What are you talking about, You knew I was at lily's party" I choked out.

"Someone told me you left with some guy and didn't even come back until early in the morning, now do you expect me to think that you both we just talking"

"Eric nothing happened, I was drunk and I fell asleep and when I woke up, i left and came home" I was now crying from the pain in my arm.

He slapped my across my face with such a force I fell to the ground.

"DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO ME" He shouted.

"I'm not lying, nothing happened, why don't you believe me" I sobbed

This time his fist connected with my jaw.

I screamed out in pain, I was now curled in on the floor, afraid he was going to hit me again.

My Prince * needs editing* previously known as I'm so Stupid I fell in love ...Where stories live. Discover now