"Thank you Ed."

"Way to get all mushy there, lumpy." Eddy said, elbowing Ed in the ribs.

Ed elbows him back, making Eddy fall over, followed by immediate laughter from the both of them. I joined in with their laughter.

I have such fantastic friends.

We finish laughing as Eddy regains his comfortable position in the chair.

"It's pretty dark in here, do you mind if I open the window?"

"Nah." They said in unison.

I stood up on a chair to reach the window, since it was pretty high up on the wall. I pull back the shades and look out to see the one and only Kevin Barr, washing his motorcycle, shirtless and in basketball shorts, covered in suds.

"Oh dear lord." I gasp at the sight.

"What? What is it?" Asks Eddy.

Eddy and Ed come over to the window and look at the sight I see.

"Here I am, thinking that you saw something horrible, but instead, you were gawking at the sight of your boy toy." Says Eddy, then following Ed back to their seats in the room.

I sit down on the chair I was just standing on and stare at the floor.

"He.. he is just.. marvelous looking." I say with a stutter.

"Can't you just say he's hot?" Asked Eddy.

"Eddy, hot is a word to describe temperature, not physical appearance." I correct him.

"You know, I've never seen you like this before. You must really have a thing for him." Eddy says while staring at the television screen, playing his video game with Ed. "What makes you go crazy about him?"

"Well," I start, "he has grown up progressively throughout our adolescent years, starting to take responsibility, taking charge of the football team, works hard, has good looks.." I stop, knowing I could go on forever, but I feel my cheeks getting hot.

"Edd." Eddy calls out to me.

"Yeah?" I respond, looking up from the floor to him.

"You need to tell him how you feel."


"Now." He says, looking at me dead in the eyes. "I mean you can see how he would react to the message since he's still outside."

Way to put pressure on me.

"Uh, alright." I say, taking out my phone to only have it vibrate in my hand, saying that I had a message. I open my phone to see I had a message from-

"Kevin?" I gasp and stand up to look out the window, not even reading the message. I see him sitting on his driveway, next to his motorcycle, staring at his phone, looking nervous.

"What is it now, SockHead?" Asks Eddy, not bothering to stand up and look again.

"He just messaged me."

Eddy looked surprised.

"Its like he freaking knew we were talking about him." He mumbles. "What did he say?"

"Uh, I haven't read it yet." I looked down at my phone to read the message.


"Hey, I was wondering if you were free tonight to uh, see a movie or something. We never really hung out, so, uh, yeah."

"Guys." I call out. "He just asked if I wanted to see a movie with him."

"You got asked out on a date?!" They both yell.

"I suppose so." I respond quietly.

"Well say yes! When is it?" Eddy yells.

"Uh, tonight."

"You are definitely going. Say yes already!"

"Okay, okay!"

I pick up my phone and start to compose a message to him

[To Kevin]

"Thank you for the invite, I would like to see a movie with you. When should I be ready?"

I quickly stood up and looked out the window and waited for a reaction. He unlocked his phone and read the message. He quickly stood up and smiled at the phone, mouthing the word 'yes', along with some sort of victory hand gesture and started to respond to me. I sunk in the chair.

"He smiled." I said, grinning like a mad man.

"Double D is so in love." He says to Eddy.

"He definitely is." Eddy responds to him.

My phone vibrates again.


"How does 7 sound? I'll pick you up with my motorcycle."

[To Kevin]

"That sounds wonderful. I will see you then."


See you (:

I couldn't be any happier than I am now.

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So in EVERY fanfic about kevedd they make Eddy a complete asshole. Although, in the show he kinda is an ass, I just want him to be really supportive of Edd since they are all best friends.
Next chapter: It's the big first date! Will their feelings for each other finally show?

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