Chapter Thirteen

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Carson's Pov
"So remember how I promised I was gonna be more open about myself?" Tossing the small ball up and down and I glanced up from where I sat on the mini sofa. Andy sat on the floor of the bus many pieces of paper surrounding him. All filled with lyrics and whatnot from his creative brain.

"Yeah what about it babe?" He didn't glance up to his baby blue eyes still focused on his notebook and sheets of paper. I was distracted for a few moments playing with my lip ring, letting my eyes focus on all the little details of my now amazing boyfriend, he was so tall and yet I felt protected in his arms.

"Babe? What is it?" I then quickly shook my head focusing on Andy again seeing he was actually looking at me, quite focused actually.

"So um the reason I'm so reserved and because it took me a while to admit that I love you, is because a few years ago I was dating Ashley." It was quiet before Andy's eyes were still so focused on me.

It was silent but then Andy had scooted much close to gaze at me pulling all his hair back. "Tell me what happened?" He asked me in a gentle tone. I rearrange myself were I was positioned onto the couch and sighed messing with my hair.

"We dated for a while, we had an easy fun relationship or mainly was sex but I guess that's what worked for us." I chuckled facing the ceiling as best as I could shaking my leg a bit.

"I guess in a way I pushed our relationship to the edge cause I felt like I was asking too much of him so in the end, he cheated on me, and I closed up." Andy was listening so much and I flicked my eyes to see he was in thought taking in everything.

"That kind of pain makes sense actually, people actually close up all the time when stuff like that happens toxic environments can cause that." I let a small laugh out and sighed heavily slowly rubbing my face deeply.

"I let that one bad deed stock up my whole entire life Andy... And I just ruined your own relationship with Juliet! Like fuck I never really liked her but you know, the principal of it all." I heard Andy started chuckling quietly, and I then felt Andy lay down next to me.

"Carson first shut up, and stop freaking out, you didn't ruin anything okay? I just... My emotions for you overtook the ones I felt for her. I did love her god I loved her even when she was an ass but... I love you more, and when you someone more you have to give them the chance to prove they are a better person." I looked towards Andy again in so much confusion, and then stroked his cheeks watching him faintly smile he laid his head on my shoulder and hummed quietly in light bliss.

"I never knew you were so cheesy but it's a nice look on you." I started laughing quietly, shaking with deep laughter noticing him roll his eyes at me.

"Yeah and I'm never doing it again so hush." Andy chuckled swooping up my hand he held our palms close together letting me entwined our legs together.

I pressed my lips to the side of his head with a light smile kissing his cheek lightly "Who would imagine I found myself in love with you Andy." I whispered slowly dropping my head down to rest on his neck hearing his calm breathing, and relaxing scent also hit me.

"Because I'm awesome and hot?" I released a loud snort out hearing Andy burst out laughing and I quickly pushed him off the sofa my turn to laugh much louder. I

"This is why I don't have sweet moments with you." I snickered sitting up not failing to notice him still laughing at me whining about his ass hurting.

"You bruised my fucking ass! But I love you too." He sent me a small wink and I smiled looking at him even more and leaned my head down kissing him sweetly which he returned smiling on my lips happily I was in the most content of a lifetime. And I wasn't letting it go anytime soon.

Starring Role {Andy Biersack Wmbm}Where stories live. Discover now