Chapter Six

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Carson's Pov
Ugh here we go another restless night in the bunk on the tour bus. I forgot how long it takes when you are driving this mini night was semi-crazy.

From having the guys go through my phone and looking through my little folder called blue eyes learning about Cai, Sammy, and Noah and now Andy has a little curious feel with a huge spark of curiosity.

All night he didn't stop asking me questions and staying by me which I didn't mind who wouldn't want him by them. The questions he asked were odd, yet I answered truthfully and it seemed to bring the both of us closer.

I was sitting up in my bunk with my blanket around my lap. I'm pretty sure everyone was sleep but I couldn't, so I was doing what any other weird person up at 1:00 am would do scroll on their phone.

Have you ever just been scrolling on your phone actually bored? Not doing anything but just scrolling yeah that's what I was doing. I let a low hum out shaking my head leaning on my fist.

"Damn they really do look like you, Andy." I whispered breathlessly. "I'm frustrated why can't I have you." I cried out softly pouting.
I heard a soft clearing of the throat and I peeked up lightly.

"Andy what the hell you scared me." I exclaimed in a whisper, seeing Andy in his sleepwear his sweats clung to him deeply.

"Sorry...?" Andy stated more like a confused question than anything else, ruffling his hair. "I can't really sleep not when Jinxx and Jake are snoring." Andy joked, I forced a snort followed shortly by a chuckle looking at Andy playful like.

"What do you wanna lay in here?" I asked Andy lightly bit his lower lip nodding. "If it's not too much?" He asked hopefully.

"I would think you'd be with Juliet," I muttered watching Andy climb up and settled down in my bunk. Below me was CC and then across was Ashley so easy access for us to do our deeds at night.

Andy sighed deeply laying on his side and leaning on his fist using his another hand he pulled his hair back. "She's on the other tour bus remember." Andy pointed out to me and I hummed.

"I totally had forgotten." I whispered Andy let a small chuckle out.

"It's okay." He answered, "Me and her have been kinda distant you know." Andy explained to me.

I slowly tensed up uh oh here comes relationship talks. "Do you know why?' I asked turning my attention away from my phone Andy shook his head side to side staring at me deeply.

"Nope but most likely it's me I've been having thoughts lately." Andy muttered in a small daze.

"Good or bad?" I questioned

"Both pretty much." Andy chuckled out.

"I'll be honest I've never been in a relationship longer then an hour I'm not good help with this." I laughed.

Andy looked at me again slowly laying down on the pillow gazing at me. "That can't be true you must have been with one person that you loved it could be either a guy or girl." Andy pointed out.

I trained in thought deeply then shook my head. "Nope I've only well had sex with a bunch of people. It's all I can really see. I feel like I'd be a good boyfriend I just don't know." I answered being true to my words.

"I don't think I'm a loveable person there's a deep hate with me and I feel like I wouldn't be good," I explained.

I saw deep hurt flash across Andy's blue eyes while he licked his lower lip. "I don't believe that Carson. I believe you have love with you, you just need the right person to unlock it and show you that you matter that you can be loved." Andy said seriously like looking at me.

I rubbed my phone in a small motion. "I don't know Andy with the deep things that happened to me, I don't think I can let anyone love me." I whispered.

I shut my eyes for a  brief moment. "I don't believe that and you know it." Andy muttered deeply. I felt Andy make me lay back down beside him and I kept my eyes shut thinking deeply to myself.

What the hell is he doing to me? it was quite clear in my head but still blank. "Get some sleep, Andy?" I asked him feeling him finally settle down.

"You too." Andy exclaimed lightly.

"Alright," I muttered quickly hooking my phone up to the charger and laid down trying to give the both of us as much space as possible with my imagine and everyone on the bus I don't want people assuming especially Juliet.

"I want my starring role." Andy muttered fifteen minutes later.

I was half sleeping but perked up looking at him seeing him deeply passed out. Is he sleep talking? I thought shocked watching Andy for a few minutes I then just closed my eyes falling out as well.

Starring Role {Andy Biersack Wmbm}Where stories live. Discover now