Chapter Twelve

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Carson's Pov
I wasn't too sure how long I debated in my head how I was gonna approach Andy without making it totally worse.  I never knew that someone could have strong feelings for me, because it never quite crossed my mind that two people can equally feel something for each other.

Yeah, there was lust and that only last for a few minutes but how long does love really last one second? One minute? Forever? Eternity? For as long as the two let it be love can be forever?

Finally, after less freaking out and loud exclaims and after a huge push from Ashley and shouting from everyone, I walked through the bunk beds trying to spot Andy. I finally had spotted him from the glow of his face lighting up from his phone.

He looked tired and like shit. His hair was messy and he had changed into his PJs. I slowly cleared my throat to get his attention watching him flick his deep blue eyes up to focus on me. "Carson leave me alone." He mumbled, placing his phone to rest on the pillow beside him.

"Scoot over," I mumbled ignoring him for a second. Watching him still watch me before he moved all the way over allowing me the space to lay down next to him.

"Ashley told me how you've been feeling, and why that's what you started crying on stage." I whispered moving to lay on my side to watch him.

"Figures." He grimaced quietly. "Why did you come? Want me to pour all my feelings out?" He asked me I slowly shook my head chuckling quietly.

"How long?" I whispered watching him intensely. He took a small breath in before locking eyes with me again.

"Since senior year, after we lost touch it went away but came back after the management team hired you as my solo guitarist." He whispered amused shaking his head

"I'm stupid, to think you could ever feel love." He snapped out and that sent a quick jolt of hurt through me. I quickly interrupted him.

"I can feel love, Andy I haven't in many years, so you are telling me for twenty years or so you've been in love with me?" I asked him quietly.

"Yes." He answers back sighing. "I broke up with Juliet because I hated hearing you and Ashley having sex, hearing about your stupid one-night stands. You never even saw that it was hurting me it feels like a movie." Andy quickly explained to me still watching.

I leaned in and slowly pressed my lips onto his gently, cupping his face moving my lips slowly with his cupping his face.

He slowly returned the kiss back sliding his arms around my neck pulling himself closer to me. For quite a few minutes we stayed like this kissing and taking in each other's light touches.

"I can love Andy you just have never seen it." I whispered quietly on his lips gently pulling away.

I stroked his cheekbones in a small pattern. "I love you." I whispered quietly seeing his eyes hold so much emotion that I knew he had kept hidden for a long time.

"I love you too." He whispered, He wrapped both his arms around me and I laid my head on his chest, the slow beat of his heart lulling me to sleep.

I felt protected. And I hadn't felt that not since I was cheated on a few years back. Slowly before me and him knew it we both had fallen asleep in each other arms.

"The sight is so sickening cute."

"At least they finally admitted it."

"Yeah until you hear moans."

"Oh shut up." All the loud chatter was quickly followed by loud laughter which made me grumble snuggling up into Andy's chest to find the warmth more.

He tightened his grip around me chuckling softly indicating he was awake. "Guys can you shut up." He mumbled playfully.

"Morning sleepy beauty." CC joked.

"It's like 12 pm." Jake pointed out.

"Cut to the point are you two dating now," Ashley asked hopefully and I finally opened both my eyes sitting up groaning messing with my hair nodding my head.

"Yes," I answered looking back over at Andy I saw him smile at me as he sat up with me being careful.

"Yes," Jinxx whined quietly ruffling my hair up making me laugh swatting his hands away.

"Took long enough." CC teased smiling. I gave him the middle finger lightly getting out of Andy's bed, hearing him stretching out and what not.

"We need to talk." Ashley explained amused at me grabbing my hand. I chuckled licking my lip ring nodding at him looking back over at Andy giving him a look that he could trust us both.

I wouldn't wanna break his trust like that at all when we just started dating.

"I trust you don't worry." He told me gently and I smiled yet again and waved at him before being dragged off with Ashley who smiled at me which I returned the both of us doing our small handshake.

"Friends." He whispered softly to me, his eyes holding light sadness and I smiled at him softly.

"Always Ashley, I love him, and I wanna try again at love I have to give him a shot, you had your chance." I whispered seeing the hurt flash across his eyes.

"I know I did... I know I fucked up big time when we did a few years ago." He told me and I gave him another sad smile.

Starring Role {Andy Biersack Wmbm}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang