Chapter Seven

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Carson's Pov
"Eh I'm not too sure about that." I muttered a little walking side by side with CC.  The blazing sun hitting the both of us at a very odd angle, yet neither of us was really complaining at all.

Besides CC having to have security walking close making sure CC didn't get attacked but lots of photos being snapped. "Why was he sleeping in your bunk in the first place?" CC asked me very confused. I hummed a light bit messing with my arms a bit.

"I just let him sleep in my bunk cause he couldn't sleep last night. I couldn't either I was just being nice I guess." I answered.

Me and CC stopped for a small moment to stand kinda away from the crowds but that's hard to do its warped tour its always gonna crowed. "It's just so confusing man and I'm gonna be honest with you." CC muttered flicking his black hair away gazing at me.

"Nowadays it's not just you staring at Andy like he is a snack every day." I quickly open my mouth to protest.

"Don't even try that shit Carson we all see the way you look at him but the thing is Andy does it too and doesn't think anybody sees." CC exclaimed.

"What the hell are you talking about yes I stare at Andy deeply but he it is not, it's not flipped at all." I declared nodding.

"Yes he does." CC called gazing at me deeply."He stares at you with the sadness every time you bring up a one night stand. He gets all quiet and just looks at you, don't tell me that you never notice?" CC asked in disbelief.

"I notice him get quiet I just assume he is doing something on his phone." I answered shifting. CC doing the same leaning back a little bit.

"Can you explain a little bit about blue eyes to me?" He asked me confused.

I nodded chewing my lower lip my lip ring cold against my skin. "It's not really just a lucky shot that all my one-night stands have ended up with black hair and blue eyes cause I'm slightly attracted to Andy on a really huge level.  Like ugh I hate thinking about it, it makes my head hurt." I groaned out shutting my eyes for a minute.

"Like sexual attraction?" CC asked in a confused tone I nodded, "Very much so his eyes and just everything about him screams at me." I muttered.

"He makes me frustrated sometimes and I have to remember he is in a perfectly healthy, happy relationship with Juliet and the attraction I feel isn't love at all which is hard really hard." I muttered more to myself.

"I've never had the emotion love like ever and I know this isn't loving. Its just sexual attraction and it's annoying..right." I was more asking a question then anything else.

"Are you sure it's just sexual attraction Carson? Emotions mix up everything like they will make you feel like so much shit and make your heart feel heavy and make you feel terrible." CC joked laughing.

I breathed a light laugh out quickly rubbing my face. "To speak the honest truth I don't know what love feels like or how it affects people.  All I really know is that when you are deeply in love it hurts like a bitch when your heart gets broken it takes a little while to get over it and some don't." I answered shrugging a little. "That's what I heard." Soon I was locking my gaze with CC.

"It really does." CC chuckled shaking his head side to side. "Well at least it explains a lot between you and Andy.  But what I am curious about is how you and Ashley started your friends with benefits relationship?" CC asked looking curious.

I nodded. "So all that happened between the two of us back when you guys had that concert right before warped tour started." I called clicking my tongue.

"Yeah?" CC questioned rolling his hand for more details to be shared. "We both hooked up that night and we'll we just kept at it for a while and then we just decided to keep it this way." I answered.

"Ashley knows way more about me then anybody ever I trust him." I whispered feeling a breeze go by cooling me off a bit.

"But as time goes I'll let everyone know about me." I told CC who nodded looking at me.

"Take your time dude we are not rushing you." CC reassured me I sent him a reassuring smile to him.

"You guys gotta perform it soon after sleeping with sirens right?" I asked clicking my tongue a bit.

"Yep which is like In fifteen minutes and by the way later tomorrow you have to the join the interview with Andy and Juliet." CC explained.

"Fuck me." I muttered shaking my hair out. "Alright let's see how it goes CC." I exclaimed making him laugh at me shaking his head.

Starring Role {Andy Biersack Wmbm}Where stories live. Discover now