King of Despair

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Ankoku grinned as he watched Sora and Hanako readying themselves for a fight. He warmed himself up by stretching.

"Go easy on me. It's been literal years since I fought." Ankoku said with a mocking tone.

Hanako locked eyes with Sora. She nodded and looked to the left. Immediately, right after giving the signal, she moved to the left as swift as the wind. It was so fast Sora had no time to see her move. She just vanished from his sight.

Haru immediately focused his eye on Ankoku's back. Hanako tried to land a blow on Ankoku from the left but her attack was nullified by Ankoku. He turned to his left with haste and blocked her punch.

"Sora, now!"

Sora ran up to his back which he was not defending and used his ability. "Kamikaze!" He yelled as an atomic ball formed on his hand which he grabbed and drilled it into Ankoku's back.

It caused an explosion that blew up debris from the ground and covered the area with dust.

"There's no way he would have gone down with that one attack."
Hanako nodded in agreement as they both backed up just to see Ankoku walking out of the dust unharmed.

He did not say anything about the hit but instead, gave a huge smile and activated his time erasing abilities.

Ankoku's POV

[Time Erasure] 

I erased time and ran over to them.

'Hmph. I would expect Hanako to dodge this since she can moved in erased time. I should probably go for Sora first. I believe his time manipulation abilities are gone now that I am no longer in his body.'

As I expected, Hanako was trailing my movements and dashed to avoid my attacks.

3rd Person POV

As Ankoku approached Sora with his punch, Ankoku was suddenly shocked. He showed an expression of true hatred when he noticed Sora was giving him a serious glare and started moving to the right in erased time.

Ankoku had never given the posbility that Sora was a time manipulator alone. He had thought the ability was given to Sora because Ankoku was in his body.

"W-What?! Sora is an actual time manipulator?!"

Ankoku got to close to Sora and could not avoid Sora's punch that was coated with black flames.

It sent Ankoku flying as time erasure stopped.

"Nice Sora!" Hanako said with excitement. "We might be able to pull this off together!"

Hanako and Sora fist pumped each other with grins on their face. "Let's do this." They both said in unison.

However, Ankoku was having none of this.

"DON'T GET SO COCKY, LOWER BEINGS LIKE YOU WOULD NOT BE ENOUGH!" He yelled as his true form came out.

His eyes turned bright red mixed with a pinch of orange. He grew 6ft bigger and grew claws. Wings appeared out of nowhere from his back and he had 3 horns on his head. He also had a symbol of the cross upside down on his head along with seals around his body. 

Chains appeared in his hands and neck which were all on fire.  "Despair.." Ankoku kept repeating in a demonic voice.

The atmosphere immediately turned hot. The ground was melting from the heat of his body and the fire that was surrounding him.

"Sora! Get back! Those are not normal fires! He used this against me when I fought him in the past." Hanako yelled as she motioned for him to get back. "The flames are flames from hell. Not like black flames. These are much more special."

Ankoku roared which caused the forest they were in to shake. 

"Fuck.. How the FUCK are we supposed to beat him now?!"
Hanako grinned and looked at Sora. "Don't forget. We're the best duo in terms of fighting."

"When was that decided?"
"When we started fighting together."

Sora replied with a smile of his own and from a spectators view, his eyes lit up with fire for a moment.

"Let's fucking go!" He yelled at the top of his lungs as he and Hanako started attacked him.


To be continued..

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