The Aquarius Kingdom

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Yooooo this chapter is really based on character introduction so dont be expecting much progress in his abilities or anything

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thanks for reading it :DDD Enjoy =3=


"Ahh.. Is that Aquarius Kingdom?!"
What stood before us was a huge wall that surrounded an entire village and castle.

The walls were at least 60m high and they had guards standing everywhere. The entrances, the top of the walls, the exits, lakes and even the bushes. They had really high security.

"You want to enter that?" I asked Canis with a doubtful tone.
"It's not that hard. We just have to go through the front entrance. Don't act suspicious. That's it."

Time was ticking so I did as she said and walked towards the entrance. 

We both stopped moving as the Knight approached us. He checked out belongings and searched us for items. "Pass."

We both walked passed the gates. "I guess King Arlo has not announced me as a threat yet, hm?"
"Sora. Get an inn. I'll meet you there at night. Let's split up and get resources."

I nodded and walked the opposite direction.  "Food.. Food.." I came across a food shop that was selling curry.

"Curry?! I haven't had that for years!! I need to go get some!" I said as i walked straight into the shop. 

After surveying the shop for about 10 minutes, I decided to buy a shit ton of curry. "How much will it be?"

"30 Silver."
I gave the owner the silver and walked out the door. As i did, I heard a scream. 

I looked around to see what the commotion was all about. There was a a bunch of thieves harassing a blonde girl in a dress. 

I was relieved it was not someone from King Arlo. "Eh. Shit like this happens all the time."

As I prepared to walk away, one of the thieves saw me and grabbed me. "HEY! YOU SAW OUR FACES DIDN'T YOU! WE AINT GOING BACK TO JAIL AGAIN!"
I looked at him with an uninterested face. "I really don't care what you do. Let go of me."

He kept grabbing me and eventually knocked my curry out of my hand. My eyes grew wide as my curry  dropped on the floor.

The Guy continued grabbing me while his friends continued harassing the girl. "M-My Curry!!"
"Who cares about your curry?! Give me all your money! I'm gonna kill you either ways so does not even matter if you give me your money."

"MY CURRY!" I yelled as I punched the thief in front of me. He was knocked out cold. "You're his friends right?! You're gonna pay too!"

"Just try!" They both said and stopped harassing the girl. Without hesitation, they both rushed at me with knives. 

I lifted my hands and blew them away with my wind powers. They were normal spells. I just needed to say 'wind' and wind will come out. Basics of the basics.

I punched both of them as they fell on the floor. With not a second to waste, I rummaged through their belongings and stole all their money. 

"GIVE ME CURRY!" I yelled as i slammed a bunch of coins in front of the cashier.

"O-Okay! Calm down!"

After i was satisfied again, I left the shop. The girl walked up to me and thanked me.

"Thank you for helping me out. I normally would not need your help but I left my pipe at home today."

"Pipe?" I thought as a image of a crack pipe appeared in my head. "W-What?!" I said with a weirded out face.

"Maybe i'm just overthinking." 

I mean there is no way this girl uses a crack pipe. She looks around the age of 16, 5.7ft tall, long hair but she tied it up so it looks short, red eyes and a normal bust. Wait no. That is some huge ass tits.

"Don't mention it."
"Would you like to come over for supper?"
"Hm. Sure. Where is your house though?"
"Follow me."

I followed the girl while thinking. Who is she? What pipe? What house? What are we having for supper?

As those thoughts were wandering in my brain, she called out. "We're here!"
I looked up and i was speechless.  I was in front of the main castle in the Aquarius Kingdom. It was tinted blue and was shiny. The Castle had a lot of guards guarding the front door, balcony, windows.. Every fucking entrance you can think of.

"You're joking right?"
"No." She said with a playful smile. "I am the second daughter of King Wasser!"

My mouth dropped at the spectacular sight of the castle. "Oh my god.."
I followed her in and walked through at least 10 hallways. 

"Herald, whip up some supper for me and my friend!"
"As you wish, my lady." The butler said and went to the kitchen which we probably passed by like 10 minutes ago.

"So what brings you here? Um..."
"Yea, Sora! My name's  Angelica!" She said while taking a seat.

"Yea. I'm just here to restock and I'm out."
"Oo.. You have a class by any chance? I saw you using wind magic. It was a normal spell though."

"Hmm. A knight."
"Not bad. I am an illusionist. I require my pipe to create illusions for me. It was not with me just now. What about your elements?"

"Just wind."
"Great. You new to magic?"
"Yea. Sorta"

"That's great. I can teach you some magic then!" 

Herald the Butler came back in with food and we feasted on it the moment the plate was placed in front of us.

After supper, Angelica brought me to meet her family. 

"Dad, sis, this man saved my life today."
King Wasser thanked me and had a talk with me about agriculture. The sister just exchanged glances with me without communicating.

As we were all talking about how food was depleting fast in the Kingdom of Aquarius, a knight walked over to the king. As soon as the king heard what the knight said, he looked at me and said out loud.

"Sora. That's your name is it not?"

"Yea. Why?"

"You are now wanted. King Arlo had just informed me about you! Capture him!"
Angelica looked at me with sad eyes. "What did you do, Sora? I thought you were a good man."

The entire family looked at me. 

Angelica took out her pipe. "Forgive me but I'm going to take you in. You can choose the hard way or the easy way."

She blew smokes out of her pipe which covered half the room. I coughed. I started seeing hallucinations. And the hallucinations were doing physical damage to me.

"Give it up. My daughter  Angelica, has bested many heroes before! She will not lose to you!"

"If only i knew how to use my time abilities." I said annoyed at myself.

As I was rambling on to myself in my head, I heard a familiar yell. "SORA!!"
Canis came crashing through the windows. 

She threw me a sword. "I'm right on time aren't I?" She said with a grin.
"How did you know I was here?"
"Wolves have great sense of smell. I thought you would be smart enough to know that at least."
She playfully teased me.

"Right. Back me up!" I said with a slight chuckle.


That concludes this chapter i guess. (P-P)



Question 1 )

What type of personality or person would you like Angelica to be?

Question 2)

I'm planning to have Sora form a group of adventurers. Should i do that or just stick with him Angelica and Canis?

Thanks for reading!! 


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