Chapter Eight

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AN: Will Luke ever stop being an adorable little shit

I think not

Thanks for 1k reads :-)

*Luke's POV* [Hai Luke-ass long time no see ayy]

Holy shit.

I never knew Brad had that side.

I decided not to sit and watch Ashton run out of the cafeteria and most likely the whole school so I ran after him. I heard the others yell at me, but I ignored them. Once I got out of the school I saw Ashton running and decided to follow him.

Because that's not creepy at all. 

I continued following him and stopped when I saw him enter a house. The house looks warm and cozy. It looks to be about two stories tall with a nice garden out in the front. It's cute.

I waited for a little bit longer and saw an old lady walk out.

I never knew Ashton was into older women.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes at my lameness. I then walked up to his house and heard singing from inside. The wonderful voice was singing You Are My Sunshine. I loved that song and started humming it. When I heard the singing stop I decided to knock on his door.

"Luke?" He asked in surprise when I opened the door.

"Hey Ashton," I replied with a little wave.

"What are you doing here?"

"You looked upset when Brad said those things," I said concerned.

"Oh," Was all he said.

"Want to come in?" He asked after a moment of silence. 

I nodded and stepped into the house. The first thing I noticed was an adorable little girl sleeping in and arm chair.

"Is that your daughter?" I ask.

"No duh," He replied.

"How old is she?" I asked.


"Well she's adorable," I said smiling at the cute little girl.

"Thank you," He replied while walking over to the chair and picking her up carefully trying not to wake her. He then walked up the stairs and I decided to follow him. He walked into a room and I then concluded it was his daughter's room. He tucked her in and then kissed her forehead whispering,"I love to the moon and back."

I then followed him out of his daughter's room and followed him into what I assumed was his room which was covered in band posters and had a drum kit in the corner.

"Nice room," I commented.

"Thanks," He replied.

"Do you play?" 


"You should join my band," I suggested.

"Who all is in it?" He asked.

"Michael, Calum, and I," I shrugged.

"What are you guys called?"

"5 Seconds Of Summer."

"Who created that name?" 


"How did he come up with it?" He asked.

"What is this 20 question?" I retorted.

"Well if I want to join a band I want to know the basics," He said teasingly.

I then started telling him about our band.


"You wanted to call the band Bromance?" He asked in disbelief.

"It was a joke," I tried explaining to him. All it did was send him in a fit of giggles which made me start giggling.

"Daddy," I heard a small voice. I turned and saw his daughter standing in the doorway rubbing her eyes with a blanket stuffed in her hand.

"How are you feeling baby?" He asked. Aww baby, how cute.

She then pointed to her throat. Oh she must be sick.

"How about you stay with Luke and I'll go get you medicine," He said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"What's your name?" I ask her.

"Naomi," Cute name.

She then crawled into my lap and looked at me. I decided to make a face with my cheeks puffed out and crossing my eyes. All she did was giggle. Her giggle sounded a lot like Ashton's.

"What dat?" She asked as she pointed to my lip ring. How the hell do you explain that to a two year old?

"It's a thing that they put in my lip and it makes you look cool," I finally answered.

"Ouchie," Was all she replied with.

"I'm back," Ashton said as he returned with the medicine. He gave the medicine to Naomi who made a face in disgust. Who knew I could relate to a two year old?

"I have to get going," I said once Ashton was done taking care of Naomi.

"Wukey come back?" She pouted with puppy dog eyes.

"As long as it's okay with Daddy," I replied in a baby voice as I glanced up at Ashton.

"Yes Lukey will come back," He said with a smile on his face.

"Yay!" Naomi cheered while clapping her hands.

"I'll see you around," I said.

"Wait a second," Ashton said which made me pout in confusion.

What he did was really unexpected.

He kissed my cheek.


AN: Hai!

Luke why are such an adorable little shit?

Is this moving too fast?

I'm sorry if this is :-/

Thoughts on the kiss on the cheek?

Thoughts on Naomi calling him Wukey?

GOAL: 2+ votes and comments

Love Y'all

Stay Fab!!!!

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