Chapter Fourteen

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AN: Sorry for the long wait :-(

*Ashton's POV*

Naomi can't have leukemia.

She just can't.

I refuse to believe it.

I slowly fell to the ground once hearing those words. Tears were slowly coming down my face and I curled up into a ball sobbing. I suddenly felt arms wrap around me and pull me into their lap.

I instantly knew it was Mum.

"Shh, calm down honey," Mym said while running her fingers through my hair.

"I can't calm down knowing that my baby is sick," I choked out into my mum's neck.

"She'll be fine honey," Mum said, still trying to soothe me.

"But what if she won't be? What if she ends up dying?" I can't help but ask.

"Honey don't think that. I'm sure she'll be fine."

"Daddy," I heard a small voice croak out. I turned and saw Naomi looking down from the hospital bed.

"Yes baby?" I ask her wiping my tears.

"Cuddle me," she looks at me with her big brown eyes and making grabby hands.

"Of course," I say getting off of the floor and climbing into the bed.

She crawled into my lap and put her head in the crook of my neck and laying on her stomach. I put my head down and wrapped my arms around her fragile body. We stayed like this and I felt her breathing even out which meant that she's asleep.

"Excuse me sir but you can't be laying in the bed with her," a nurse said as she walked into the room.

"I'm staying with my daughter," I said stubbornly.

"But sir you can't. It's against the rules," the nurse said politely.

"I'm staying in this bed whether you like it or not," I growled at the nurse.

"Okay sir. I'll just be sure to tell the doctor that," the nurse said and she quietly walked out of the room.

"Honey you didn't have to be so rude about it," Mum scolded me.

"I don't care," I mumbled, too tired to deal with this shit.

"Fine then Mr. Grumpy Pants," Mum muttered not thinking I heard her.

We stayed in silence for a while until I heard a snore. I turned and looked and saw that Mum had fallen asleep. I noticed that she had bags under her eyes. Probably from the stress.

"Darling you'll be okay," I whispered to Naomi and softly kissed her head before falling asleep myself.


It was now Wednesday and I didn't want to go to school. Mum had let me skip Monday and Tuesday, but now she's making me go.

I am currently in my car going home so that I can get ready for school. I pulled up into the driveway and got out, locking the door. I walked up the front steps of the house and unlocked it. Once I stepped in I let it all out.

I shut the front door and slid down it and put my head in my hands crying softly. I just stayed like this for a couple of minutes before I decided on actually going to get ready. 

Over the past few days my phone has been blowing up with messages and calls from everybody.

Mainly Luke. The thing that confused me though is that a lot of messages of his have been I'm sorry. or I didn't mean for it to happen.

The confusion was real.

After I got ready for school (which ended me in wearing a giant oversized sweatshirt, jeans, and Converses) I locked the front door to the house and got in my car while putting in Green Day's CD Dookie.


When I pulled up into the school parking lot I ducked my head hoping nobody would see.

"Hey Ashton!" I heard a voice yell. Turns out it was Calum. I guess my plan failed.

I quickly looked the other way and walked opposite of the group. I turned back and saw that they all looked hurt at my decision, but I didn't care.

Nothing hurt more than the pain in my heart.


It was now lunch time and let's just say everybody tried talking to me but I ignored them. I know it's probably not the best idea, but I just want to be alone. 

I skipped the lunch line and went straight to a table to the back of the lunchroom to be by myself. I took out my earbuds and started to listen to music. The first song that came on was Iris by Goo Goo Dolls. 

The music was nice and calming and it took away all of my worries. I was sitting there with a small smile on my face because it took me out of the moment and brought me peace. My peace was rudely interrupted when my earbuds were ripped out of my ears. Never and I repeat never rip out my earbuds unless you want to die.

"What's your problem Ashton?" It was Michael.

"Nothing," I shrugged.

"Why are you ignoring us? First of all, you ignore all of our calls. Second of all, you ignored us today when Calum called you over," Michael said in one breath.

I shrugged again.

"Did we do something wrong? If we did something wrong please tell us, we want to make it better," Michael basically pleaded.

"You didn't do anything wrong," I stated before leaving Michael standing there while I walked out.



I am soooooooooooooooooo sorry for the long wait for this chapter :-(

School is a pain in my ass.

What are your thoughts on Louis "coming out"

Notice the quotes.

I  really don't know what to believe. I'm not a huge One Direction fan but I'm Larry af so I'm just going to believe it even if he was drunk.

I mean drunk people speak sober thoughts.

QUESTION: Would you read my Muke fanfic that I'm thinking about doing?

I already have the plot and everything.

Luke would be a punk outcast but with a soft side.

Love y'all

Stay Fab!!!!

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