Chapter Five

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AN: Copeland Quinn is adorable

'Her' is about to be revealed

[PS. 'Her' is Ashton's secret :-)]

*Ashton's POV*

I was walking when I saw my mum's car in the driveway. I smiled really big and ran to my house. I opened the door and heard a voice scream.

"Daddy," I turned and saw my two-year-old daughter running toward me.

"Baby," I said picking her up and giving her an eskimo kiss.

"How was school?" I heard my mum ask me.

"Fine," I replied, still holding my daughter.

Naomi Irwin. That's my daughter's name. She is probably the cutest thing ever. I had her when I was sixteen.

I had gotten my best friend pregnant because we were at a high school party drunk. I had already figured out I was gay, but I don't know what compelled me to lose my virginity to my best friend, Lizzie. At first nobody cared that she was pregnant or that I was the father. Nobody knew I was gay and for her sake we told her parents that we were dating. My mum was the only one that knew the real truth and she supported us.

Things took a turn for the worst though. Lizzie died in while giving birth. Naomi was fine and Lizzie's parents did not like that. They practically said they didn't want Naomi in their lives. When news got to the school they all blamed me. They started harassing me. I started using cutting as a way to feel better. I have tried stopping many times for the sake of Naomi. She needs her dad in her life. 

We had decided to move after two years of me being bullied. For my sake. For Naomi's. We wanted a fresh new start anyways. So that's why we decided to move form Australia to Minnesota.

"Daddy down," Naomi said snapping me out of my thoughts. I set her down and watched her run into the living room. Shortly bringing me the TV remote.

"You want to watch TV?" I asked her. 

She nodded taking my big hand into her small one. She guided me into the living room and pointed at the couch.

"Sit," She said.

I did and she crawled into my lap putting her head into the crook of my neck. I turned the TV on and changed the channel from Say Yes To The Dress  to Bubble Guppies. She watched the TV in wonder while sucking her thumb.

"She is a lot like you," Mum said entering the room.

"I know," I replied with a smile.

"I have to get ready for work. I'll be down in a few," My mom said going into her room to get ready for work.

"Daddy?" Naomi said looking at me with big eyes.

"Yes baby?"

"Hungry," She pouted while looking at her stomach.

"Well what do you want?" I asked knowing she was gong to say ice cream.

"Ice cream!" She screamed smiling big.

"We'll get some when Nana leaves for work, so how about we get you dressed?" 

She nodded and I picked her up taking her into her room. I set her on her bed and went to look in her closet. Finally I had decided on putting her in a Ramones shirt, black leggings, brown boots, and a red flannel to wrap around her waist.

"Arms up," I said to her. She put her arms up so I could take off her pajama shirt and put on her new one. 

Once she was all dressed, I decided on putting her hair in a ponytail. I then decided to change my outfit to match hers, but instead of leggings I wore black skinny jeans and combat boots. I also didn't put my hair in a ponytail.

Once we were finished I walked downstairs and saw my mum waiting for us. 

"Bye bug," My mum said to Naomi, while taking her out of my arms and into hers. 

"Bye-bye Nana," Naomi replied in a small voice.

"Now Ashton, take good care of my bug. If she has a single mark on her I'll beat you with a wet noodle you understand?"

"Yes mum," I replied with a smile while jokingly giving her a salute.

"Be good for Daddy," My mum said while giving Naomi back.

My mum left an I was left with Naomi.

"Ice cream."

"Yes ice cream."


We had went to Dairy Queen and Naomi had gotten a small vanilla cup while I got a small blizzard. I took her to sit down and I saw some other families. Some of them looked at me with sympathy while others were giving me judgemental stares. I didn't care about those people anyways. Their opinion is irrevlevent.

Naomi was sitting there giggling while I was laughing because she got ice cream on her nose. I took a picture then I decided to kiss the tip of her nose to get the ice cream off.

"All better," I smiled at her while she just giggled.

When we were done we went back home and sat and watched movies for the rest of the night until we fell asleep together on the couch.



Didn't expect that did you?

I hope you enjoyed it! This story will contain a lot of fluff since Ashton is a dad.

GOAL: 2+ votes and comments!

Love Y'all

Stay Fab!!!!

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