Chapter 17

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While Wells was gone, Barry decided it was time to make some moves to help him better prepare against Thawne. Starting with a visit to the Time Vault.

"Hello Barry Allen, I was not expecting you this soon." Gideon said when he booted her up.

"Gideon, scan your archives for a device called the speed force bazooka, along with all the data Thawne has on the negative speed force." Barry said, knowing that since he created Gideon, she would have to obey him.

"As you wish." Gideon said as she pulled up schematics and equations.

"Transfer all the the data to a drive and erase records of this encounter from your memory banks." Barry said.

"As you wish." Gideon said as a drive popped out of the plinth.

"Thank you." Barry said as he placed the drive in his pocket and then proceeded to phase and speed out of the vault and to his apartment, where Cisco and Caitlin were waiting.

"Well?" Cisco asked as Barry produced the drive from his pocket.

"Everything we need to lock Thawne up in his own little speed force forever. Good thing he's using an AI I created." Barry said as he handed the drive to Cisco.

"Think you can run to the future and get us a quantum computer gauntlet so I can actually read the data on this thing without having to worry about Thawne catching me at his plinth?" Cisco asked.

"No problem." Barry said, since he didn't think that anyone would mind him taking one quantum computer from the future, since he'd be giving it to Cisco, who knew better than to flaunt it around and he was only getting it so they could beat Thawne at his own game.

They were kept from discussing it further when the door opened and Iris walked in.

"Hey, how was Freeland?" Barry asked as he hugged her.

"It was great. It turns out I have a brother who came back with us. He's getting settled in at my dad's place." Iris said.

"Wally." Barry said as he slid the memory ring on.

"How did you know his name?" Iris asked.

"Because of this." Barry said as he restored Iris's memories.

"Whoa, that was a rush." Iris said as she got her bearings.

"Welcome back Phoenix." Cisco said.

"Can't believe I actually got powers in this reality. So anyways, what are you guys talking about?" Iris asked.

"Our plan to take down Thawne. Preferably without Eddie having to kill himself to stop him." Barry said.

"Oh really, so what is the plan?" Iris asked.

"We're gonna trap Thawne in the negative speed force." Cisco said.

"How?" Iris asked.

"It turns out Thawne had schematics for the speed force bazooka in Gideon's database, along with all his research on the Negative Speed force. With that data, Cisco should be able to rebuild the bazooka and modify it to trap it's target in the negative speed force instead of the speed force." Barry said.

"You really think you can pull that off?" Iris asked him.

"Hopefully, but it will take time. Even after Barry gets me the quantum computer I need to be able to access the data." Cisco said.

"Well, we'll have time." Iris said.

"So anyways, Wally's here?" Barry asked.

"Yeah and he has his powers. Also, Black Lightning is stepfather." Iris said.

"Really. Okay, sounds like we have a lot of catching up to do." Cisco said and Iris nodded.

"Story time." Iris said.

After Iris had told them everything she could about their trip to Freeland and them all agreeing that they wished they'd been able to restore her memories before she left so that way she'd have known to just let Giblan fry Thawne, Barry decided to head to the West household and wake up Joe and Wally.

"Barry." Joe said in surprise as he hugged him.

"Hey Joe. Iris and I already had our reunion and she told me that she had a brother with the same powers as me." Barry said and Joe smiled.

"Yep. Wally's upstairs getting unpacked in your old room actually." Joe said and Barry shrugged.

"That's fine, I didn't really have any plans to move back in." Barry said and before Joe could say anything else, Barry used the memory ring to restore his memories.

"Wow, that was intense." Joe said.

"That's what everyone says after they get their memories restored. I'm gonna go restore Wally's memories and then I'll bring you both up to speed." Barry said and Joe nodded, trying to wrap his head around the idea of the crisis as Barry headed upstairs.

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