Chapter 3

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"So, you have powers." Barry said, trying to get over his genuine shock about that.

"Yeah, I do. Is that okay?" Iris asked.

"Yeah, it's incredible. Is that why you're here?" Barry asked.

"Yeah. Dr. Wells, Cisco and Caitlin have been helping me learn how to control my powers." Iris said.

"And helping other people with powers. Or as we call them, metahumans." Cisco said.

"What?" Barry asked.

"Well technically, only one other meta." Caitlin corrected.

"That we've seen so far." Cisco said.

"Who?" Barry asked.

"Well technically, it's two people." Iris said and now Barry had a guess.

"Who?" Barry asked.

"Martin Stein and Jefferson Jackson. They can merge into a metahuman we call firestorm. The accelerator explosion forcibly merged them together and it wasn't until a few months ago that we were able to separate them until we figured out that they needed to merge in order to maintain nuclear stability. Thanks to a quantum splicer Cisco and I created, we were able to help them learn to merge properly." Wells said.

"Where are they now?" Barry asked.

"Pittsburgh. An old contact of Professor Stein's is helping them learn how to properly use their powers." Cisco said.

"Okay then." Barry said, trying to wrap his head around all that.

"Anyways, Mr. Allen, now that you're awake, we need to run tests on you to see if you were affected in a similar means as Ms. West." Wells said and Barry nodded, as Cisco handed him a Star Labs sweatshirt.

"First, I'm going to call Jay. He and Joan need to know that Barry's awake." Iris said and Wells nodded.

"I can do it." Barry said as he reached out to grab Iris's phone, before 'accidentally', tapping into his speed and running to the other side of the room.

"Whoa. That was cool." Barry said.

"Looks like I'm not the only one in this relationship with powers." Iris said.

"Speed and heat. Good combo." Cisco said.

"So now that we know what your powers are, we can begin running tests to train you in how to use them." Wells said.

"Maybe we should head to the airstrip." Cisco suggested and Wells nodded.

"We will, since we need to establish a baseline for Mr. Allen's vitals just like we did for Ms. West. Once we've established that baseline, we can use it to help better determine Mr. Allen's limits." Wells said and Barry nodded.

"Let's get going then." Cisco said.

"First, let me call Jay, I need to tell him that I'm awake." Barry said and Wells nodded.

"Agreed. In fact, you can tell him to meet us at the track, since he's a scientist, so he might have some useful insight." Wells said and Barry nodded as Iris handed him her phone and he dialed Jay's number.

"Iris, it's good to hear from you." Jay's voice said.

"Actually Jay, it's me." Barry said.

"Barry. When did you wake up?" Jay asked.

"A few minutes ago." Barry said.

"Well it's good to hear your voice." Jay said.

"Yeah you to. But hey, can you meet us at the airstrip outside Star Labs?" Barry asked.

"Yeah, but why?" Jay asked.

"Look, it's something that needs to be seen in order to be believed." Barry said.

"Okay, I'll see you there." Jay said as he hung up and Barry handed Iris back her phone.

"Okay, so let's do this." Barry said.

"Okay Mr. Allen, show us what you've got." Wells said when they arrived at the airstrip with the Star Labs Mobile lab unit.

"Let's do it." Barry said after Cisco and Caitlin had set him up with devices designed to monitor his vitals.

"And go." Cisco said as Barry sped off, running around the track in a blur of yellow lightning.

"He said there was yellow lightning that night." Iris realized.

"I'm sorry what?" Wells asked.

"Barry always insisted that the night his mother murdered, there was red and yellow lightning surrounding his mother. Just like the yellow lightning Barry's giving off." Iris said as Barry came to a stop.

"I had the same thought." Barry said as he tried hard to avoid looking at Thawne as he said that.

"You mean you think that there's someone else like you out there?" Cisco asked.

"I think it's safe to say that Mr. Allen is one of a kind." Wells said.

"I do think that the person who really killed my mom was like me." Barry said.

"Barry, this could be the breakthrough you've been looking for." Iris said.

"I can only hope Iris." Barry said, trying to resist the urge to expose Thawne now. He knew from experience that he needed to play his cards carefully if he wanted to get his father out of prison the right way. He needed to get the city to trust the Flash before he exposed Thawne as the Reverse Flash.

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