Chapter 10

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"So, how are they coming?" Barry asked Cisco as he entered Cisco's workshop.

"Almost done. Just have to hope that Thawne doesn't find out about them." Cisco said.

"Is it bad that I'm happy you're making these to be stolen?" Barry asked.

"Normally I'd say yes, but considering it was getting their hands on these that turned three of the worst criminals in Central City to better lives, so no." Cisco said as he finished up the gold gun, having already completed the heat and cold guns.

"And if Snart and Rory decide to make trouble, well, we know how to stop them." Barry said and Cisco nodded.

"Yeah. let's just hope that they get scooped up by the legends before they can do any real damage." Cisco said.

"Yeah me to." Barry said.

"I'm just curious, how do you know that they'll agree to go again?" Cisco asked.

"I know Snart well enough to know how his mind works. He'll see joining the Legends as a chance to plunder and steal every valuable treasure in history and that'll be how he hooks Rory." Barry said and Cisco chuckled.

"Sounds about right. And hopefully, without her brother's influence, Lisa will reform." Cisco said.

"You still have feelings for her?" Barry asked.

"No, but I still think that there is good in her. I mean if Snart and Rory can reform, then almost anyone can." Cisco said.

"Fair enough." Barry agreed, though they both knew of one man in this very building who would never change. Barry had given up any hope of Thawne ever finding redemption after what happened to Nora.

Iris was training when she heard someone walk up behind her. She ignited her hand and whirled around, only to find her father standing there, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry dad, but please, don't sneak up on me like that." Iris apologized as she extinguished the flame.

"No worries, though if you'd thrown that fireball at me, I don't care how old you are, I will ground you in a heartbeat." Joe said.

"I know. But anyways, what brings you here?" Iris asked.

"I found your mother." Joe said, getting Iris's full attention.

"Wait, what? Where is she?" Iris asked.

"She's in Freeland." Joe said.

"When do we leave?" Iris asked.

"Tomorrow." Joe said and Iris nodded.

"Excuse me, did I hear you say you're going to Freeland." Wells said as he wheeled into the room.

"Yeah why?" Joe asked.

"Have either of you heard of Black Lightning?" Wells asked.

"I read online that he's basically Freeland's Batman. An urban myth meant to dissuade criminals, though it's not working." Iris said.

"Well, I believe that Black Lightning is real and I've always been curious about how he came to be." Wells said.

"If he is real, he's probably just an alien." Joe shrugged.

"No, I'm positive that he was a metahuman who somehow existed before the particle accelerator exploded." Wells said.

"How is that possible?" Iris asked.

"I don't know, but I intend to find out. Perhaps I could accompany you to Freeland. I promise I will not intrude on your family time." Wells said.

"Couldn't hurt, especially if it'll help us figure out how other metas were created." Iris said.

"Fine, but keep your distance. You may have saved Barry's life, but you haven't done anything to earn my trust." Joe said.

"I have no interest in interrupting a family moment Joe. I simply want to try to understand a situation to make sure that both Barry and Iris are better prepared for whatever it is they're going up against." Wells said and Joe nodded.

"Okay then." Joe agreed, though he still looked at Wells distrustfully.

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