Chapter 9

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"So wait, you're telling that the huge flash of light I remember before ending up here was actually a wave of antimatter that wiped out the last universe?" Cisco asked after Barry and Novu had explained things to him.

"Yes Mr. Ramon. However, due to the intervention of Mr. Allen and the other four paragons, I was able to restore my powers and take my counterpart's powers as well. Doing so, I was able to pull them into my realm to save them from the blast and used the same energy that destroyed the multiverse to recreate the circumstances that created it to create a new multiverse. I brought the paragons here to protect it and ensure that this Multiverse does not meet the same fate as the old one." Novu explained.

"Why not just bring back the old one?" Cisco asked.

"It seemed kinder to not have to force the residents of the multiverse to have to live with the unbearable trauma of what they'd endured. It would likely cause more problems than it solved." Novu said.

"He's right. Oliver alone has shown us how much PTSD can impact people and considering the level of trauma people would be enduring, well, it is kinder this way. Besides, this way, we have a second chance to save the people we couldn't before. My dad, Eddie, Stein." Barry said.

"What about Ronnie?" Cisco asked.

"So far I haven't been able to find any records of Ronnie existing in this universe." Barry said.

"He still exists, he just doesn't have anything to do with your timeline now, since he did not work at Star Labs and he did not become Firestorm." Novu said and Cisco nodded in understanding.

"Why bring me here though?" Cisco asked.

"Because your counterpart from this universe was starting to develop his powers and he was somehow beginning to vibe the truth. Likely due to the unique frequency both he and you vibe at. The same frequency that allowed me to bring you back." Novu said.

"I guess having my powers back is a good thing, since they're what allowed you to bring me back." Cisco said.

"Look Cisco, I understand why you wanted to get rid of your powers, I really do, but they're a part of you. I've said it before and I'll say it again now. You're too good of a superhero to lose those powers." Barry said.

"Barry, I wanted to live a normal life." Cisco said.

"Some people aren't meant for ordinary lives. The world needs Vibe and honestly Cisco, you were always your best self when you were him." Barry said.

"I don't know." Cisco said as Barry placed his hand on Cisco's shoulder.

"Yes you do. You also know that while Kamila was nice, she was never really something that was going to last, since let's face it, she wasn't your type." Barry said.

"What?" Cisco asked.

"I seem to recall you saying that you like the sexy, incredibly deadly type and Kamila didn't really fall into the category. I mean, Lisa Snart, Gypsy, you even crushed on Thea before your fear of Oliver overpowered that. Kamila didn't really fit your type." Barry said.

"I know. But I wanted a piece of normalcy so badly." Cisco admitted.

"Cisco, let's face it, our lives stopped being normal when the particle accelerator exploded. And honestly, normal is overrated." Barry said.

"Maybe. And I have to admit, I did miss being able to get into the field with you guys, actually be able to help in the field instead from the sidelines." Cisco admitted.

"Exactly. We need all parts of you. Both Cisco Ramon and Vibe." Barry said.

"You're right. I can't escape being a hero and honestly, I don't want to anymore." Cisco said.

"Welcome back Vibe." Barry said and Cisco smiled as they clapped hands.

"So, Mr. Ramon, are you ready?" Novu asked.

"I guess?" Cisco said.

"Oh, I have to warn you, this is going to hurt, a lot." Barry said.

"What is?" Cisco asked, right as Novu blasted him into the new reality.

"I'm guessing my return won't be as painful?" Barry asked.

"Indeed. This time, I am simply sending you back." Novu agreed.

"Great. I'd better go help Cisco adapt to the new memories." Barry said and Novu nodded as he then returned Barry to Earth.

Barry found Cisco in his workshop and it looked like he was still recovering.

"Damn, and I thought vibing could be painful." Cisco said as he looked around.

"Speaking of, no blasting Wells until we can expose him." Barry said.

"Got it. I have to admit, it is weird having two sets of memories." Cisco said.

"You get used to it. But if I were you, I'd start working on suits for Oliver and Sara." Barry advised and Cisco nodded his agreement.

"Wait, what about Thawne. Isn't he watching over us?" Cisco asked, suddenly worried.

"He might be a future genius, but I know every move he's got. Gideon may be his, but she still obeys my commands. I've already ordered her to keep conversations like this one private. I originally did it for when Oliver, Kara, Sara or even Kate were here, but now it applies to you as well." Barry explained.

"Good idea. I'm also gonna make some upgrades to your suit and Iris's. Still can't believe I actually got to make Iris a real suit instead of that makeshift one." Cisco said.

"Now she has her own powers instead of borrowing mine." Barry said.

"I'm also going to make my own suit and maybe start working on Caitlin's, just in case." Cisco said.

"You have a lot of suits to make and likely not a whole lot of time. Kara's already become active as Supergirl, so you can't make her suit." Barry said.

"Damn it. I really wanted to make Supergirl's suit." Cisco said, since he'd always wanted to make that suit and it looked like fate continued to want to piss him off by denying him that opportunity again.

"Hey, you still have plenty of other heroes to design for." Barry said and Cisco nodded.

"I guess so. And I'd better get started on that." Cisco said and Barry nodded his agreement.

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