Chapter 1

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When Barry came to, he found himself back in the monitor's realm.

"What the hell happened?" Barry asked as he looked around, trying to get his bearings on the situation.

"Welcome back Mr. Allen." Novu said, getting his attention.

"What's going on. The last thing I remember is me, Oliver, Kara, Kate and Sara attacking the Anti-Monitor. Next thing I know, there was a bright flash of light and now I'm here." Barry said.

"I can explain everything." Novu said.

"Then please do, since this whole thing is confusing." Barry said.

"You both failed and succeeded." Novu said.

"What are you talking about?" Barry asked.

"When you and the other paragons attacked my opposite, he was distracted enough for me to reabsorb all of my power and all of his from him. However, doing so triggered the final antimatter wave that destroyed earth one and the rest of the multiverse." Novu said.

"What? So everyone I loved is gone. Cisco, Caitlin, Ralph, Joe, Iris, all of them?" Barry demanded.

"Let me finish." Novu said and Barry nodded as he reluctantly calmed down.

"While the multiverse may have been destroyed, using my restored powers and the powers I took from the anti-monitor, I was able to create a positive wave that replicated the process that created the multiverse to begin with and created a new one. However before doing so, I managed to pull you and the other four paragons into my realm." Novu said.

"Why wasn't it wiped out?" Barry asked.

"My domain exists outside the multiverse and therefore was not targeted by Mobius's antimatter cannon. Anyways, I brought you five here to recover while I created a new multiverse." Novu said.

"So, what happens now?" Barry asked.

"Now, that the new multiverse has finished evolving to the point it was at when the age of heroes began, I can send you and the other paragons into it to ensure that this one does not fall." Novu said as Barry looked around then saw Kara, Kate and Sara still floating above them in some kind of suspended animation.

"Where's Oliver?" Barry asked.

"I have already sent Mr. Queen into the new multiverse, on earth one, which is where I will send you and the other three when they awaken." Novu said.

"But Kara is not of Earth One." Barry said.

"She is now. You of all people should know that a new earth means infinite possibilities about what to expect. In this new one, both she and her cousin exist on earth one." Novu reminded him.

"So, the multiverse really is back?" Barry asked.

"Yes, but it will not be the same as it was before. Which is why before I send you to this new multiverse, I will give you the memories of your counterpart from it, so that way you will be able to adapt to any changes in your life without arousing suspicion." Novu said.

"So when are you sending me to?" Barry asked.

"There is only one date in the new Multiverse that I can send the 5 of you without causing too much damage to the timeline and that is the day Oliver Queen returned from Lian Yu." Novu said.

"Great, so I'll have to wait two years to get my powers." Barry said.

"I never said that. In this new timeline, Eobard Thawne completed the particle accelerator two years earlier than he did in the original multiverse. Your counterpart was already struck by lightning and sending you take his place will allow you to wake up from the coma early, with your powers fully intact at the level they are at now." Novu said.

"Great. So is there anything I need to know?" Barry asked.

"No, this should do it." Novu said as he waved his hand and suddenly even for a speedster, Barry's brain hurt as his vision went dark as novu gave him his doppelganger's memories and then sent him into the new reality.

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