say what (insert wow face)

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When you had finished cleaning Slenda's room she sent you to make dinner, after which you went to your room and did your nightly routine then you went to bed. You wake up to some thing new, for the first time in five days sally has woken you up a little bit early. She tells you about how hungry she is, and asks if you can make her a snack before she has breakfast. You get up and do so for her, then start to get a headstart on breakfast and chore stuff by quietly cleaning the rooms everyone spends most their time, the dining room and the living room.
After everyone wakes up and has breakfast, Slenda tells you that you can have the day off to relax and prepare to spend the week cleaning informing you that even more of the girls are coming home. So naturally you go to your room and meditate using the Gilbert Gottfried meditation app. Then Slenda busts in startling you and says something about a slago, zandago, or some weird food item. At least thats what you thought.
Slenda: zalga isn't a joke. she is my sister, and she likes to kill humans.
You: and why do i need to know this?
Slenda: I just said, she decided to pop in for a visit today. She's coming soon.
You: oh that's bad. Well go greet her I'll just hid out in my room untill she leaves.
Just then you hear a knocking on the door.
Slenda: she's here...

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