squeaky clean.

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Let me say, before the chapter starts, I have no idea where this story is going. You know as much as I do, which is why I enjoy writing it. I don't intend to end this poorly (I hate when authors do that.), and don't plan on ending it any time soon.
Now on with the chapter.

As you were walking behind Jackie or, as she has been dubbed by the pastas, EJ she started asking you questions.
Jackie: so Slenda told me about the tea party... why would you be so eager to play in a tea party.
You: well sally is a kid, I enjoy making kids happy.
Jackie: you realize she's only a kid when she wants something. She ages like normal.
You: oh.
She giggles.
You arrive at her room.
And as you two walk in something runs up. The thing is about one or two feet taller than you and wears a sack mask. You are five foot nine inches. It starts talking to Jackie and then sees you. When it lays eyes on you it gets tense. It then looks at Jackie who says nothing, all she does is pet it. based on it's look, you assume it's the seed eater.
Jackie: I've been told that you refused some... "advances" from Jill
You: yeah, you can ask angels why I did that.
Jackie: ok noted. So why did slenda choose a guy for chores, I mean she could have chosen a woman; or assigned one of the girls to do it. why a man, and why you?
You: well I was kidnapped by Jess, it was Jill's idea, and I assume I was chosen because I matched their criteria. Also I walked up to them while they were looking for someone to kidnap.
Jackie: why did you do that?
You: well to be fair I thought it was a cosplay. Why would any reasonable person see Jess an Jane walking side by side down the street think anything other than "what a sweet cosplay"
Jackie giggles and you start cleaning.

Authors thing: so I looked it up and seed eater is seven foot six inches.

creepypasta fem x male readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz