That Warm Feeling Inside: Hermione Granger

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Hermione had this thing about her.

Like, no matter how hard you tried to ignore her, she continued to stick out like a sore thumb. Many others didn't feel this way, but you sure did. How could you not? Not only was she crazy smart, but she was pretty, too. And not the kind of pretty like Pansy and Lavender and the rest of the girls where they put on loads of makeup and look totally fake, but the rare, natural kind of beauty that you could only find with Hermione.

You held your breath, determined not to let her find you. It wasn't stalking, per say — merely gazing at someone from a distance without their knowledge. You edged nearer to the end of the bookshelf, trying to get a better look at her. Hermione was sitting in the library, with several books opened out in front of her. She was studying for a test, herbology by the looks of it. A strand of her curly brown hair fell to her face, you watched with awe as she brushed it back with ease. She had gotten really good with her hair recently.

Let's just clarify something. You were not entirely sure where you stood, sexuality wise. You had been so sure you were straight right up until you met Hermione for the first time.

You could remember it as clear as day; the way she talked with a briskness as if she was all business, the way she smiled when she saw the book in your hands, the way her gentle laugh made butterflies erupt from your stomach.

Of course, it hadn't all been sunshine and rainbows. You had managed to embarrass yourself three times in that one conversation, and promptly decided that admiring her from a distance was the best way to go.

That's when it happened. You attempted to take another step closer to her, hoping that you could maybe make out how she was feeling today based on the twinkle in her eyes, when you tripped over a fallen book. You fell forewords, making enough noise for Madam Pince to shush you.

Hermione looked up. You hadn't fallen, luckily, but instead had landed straight in front of her. You could feel your cheeks heat up as an inexplicable blush settled on your face, your palms getting clammy and heart beating rapidly.

"Are you alright?" She asked in that soft tone of hers, that made your legs wobble like jelly.

"I — I — I uh — shit." You stuttered, mumbling the last part. You couldn't seem to remember how to act like a human being.

Hermione raised an inquisitive brow, when recognition made itself at home on her delicate face. "You're Y/N Y/L/N, right?"

Yes, you wanted to say, that's me. Instead, you stuttered, "I — I —"

Oh Merlin, you had to get out of there, and quick. You turned on your heel suddenly, and started to run out of the library as fast as your legs would take you.

You weaved your way in and out of the bookshelves, darting past students until you reached a secluded part of the vast library, where you let yourself lean against one of the book covered walls and try to catch your breath. Once you could breathe through your nose, you slumped against the wall, slouching until you found yourself in a sitting position. You placed your head in your hands as the reality of the situation hit you.

Hermione had talked to you. Actually talked to you. And you had to go on and ruin it by being the fuckup that you were. You couldn't even get one bloody word out! Your chances with Hermione were growing smaller by the second.

Feeling absolutely miserable, you felt yourself start to cry. Small, silent tears, at first, until they soon became violent sobs that you tried to hold in but just wouldn't, making your whole body shake. At least in this part of the library you couldn't embarrass yourself any more than you already had, as it was very well hidden amongst the bookshelves and the only way you found it was because you were looking for it.

That's when you heard the soft steps of a certain Hermione Granger. You had memorized them by now, creepy you knew, and realized that things could, in fact, get worst. Much, much worst.

You tried to make yourself smaller, tried to hide, but it was no luck: she had found you. Instead of launching into speech, however, she silently sat beside you. Weirdly enough, her presence was comforting, even though you knew as soon as you looked up your life would crumble.

"You don't have to talk." Hermione said gently, talking into her lap as if she didn't dare look up to you. Had you been stupid, you would've thought she was actually intimidated by you.

You let out a long, shuddering breath, trying to control your sobs. They quietened to a silent cry, the little shake of your body and the almost unnoticeable breathes you took the only inkling at what you were doing.

Hermione gingerly placed an arm around you, pulling you into an uncalled for hug. You felt yourself calm, and Hermione spoke once again.

"I read somewhere in a book that hugging someone can help to loose stress." She supplied, adding, "I honestly only just remembered, but it makes my impromptu hug seem a little more useful."

You couldn't help it: you smiled, a light chuckle escaping your lips. This caused Hermione to smile, and she wrapped a gentle arm around you, this time keeping it there.

"I'm sorry for whatever I did." Hermione continued. "Sorry for making you so... nervous."

You sniffed again, Hermione patting you gently, rubbing small, soothing circles into your back. You snuggled in closer to her, but still refused to look up. If you saw her face... that would ruin everything.

"I know you don't want to talk, but can you at least look at me?" Hermione pleaded.

You snuggled into the nape of her neck, refusing to look up. Hermione sighed.

"Please, Y/N, for me."

You slowly lifted your head, just waiting for all the nerves to kick in. There Hermione was, arm wrapped around you, not even an inch apart, but to your surprise, the nerves never came. You hesitated, waiting for them to kick in, but perhaps with Hermione being so close to you it eliminated the nerves. Either way, you took it.

Hermione smiled gently at your tear stained face. "Atta girl," she said, wiping the tears from under your eye with care, afraid she might hurt you.

You smiled at her. This would probably be the first and last time you managed to stay cool around Hermione, but you decided to soak up every minute of it.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" She asked, and you shook your head. Hermione just seemed to make everything better.

Hermione brushed a stray lock of your hair behind your ear, gently brushing against your skin, sending shivers up your spine. Her touch was warm and amazingly comforting, like a hot chocolate on a cold night.

Hermione leaned foreword slightly, tilting her head to one side. You watched, confused, as she made her way closer to you, until suddenly it clicked: Hermione was going to kiss you. Your crush. This couldn't be happening.

But it was. Her lips touched yours, a shot of warmth being sent down your body. She was gentle, at first, taking care in not upsetting you, until you finally started to kiss back. Using this as a free pass, Hermione deepened the kiss, closing the small gap between you.

You weren't sure when it happened, but suddenly you were on her lap, kissing her with everything in you. Finally, you stopped for a breath, and Hermione grinned.

"I really do like you, Y/N."

"I wish I had the confidence to say that the first day I met you." You responded, before you were wrapped up in the heat of Hermione's kisses all over again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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