Stop Hitting On Me: Charlie Weasley

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It was a sunny day and you had chosen to study outside as the view from the library window was practically screaming for you to join in on the wonderful day.

"What did you get for number four?" You heard a familiar voice ask.

You groaned and rolled over in the grass to face  him, feeling slightly intimidated by the fact that from the ground he seemed taller than the gamekeeper.

But that didn't stop you.

"Why, why must you disturb me, of all people, on a day like this?"

"Because," he huffed, claiming the spot beside you and sitting, "we're the only ones in our class."

You groaned angrily again and sat up so you were his height.

"What did you want, again?"

"The answer to number four—"

"Herbivore. Though deadly, the Hornbacked Dedalis Dragon is a herbivore." You said briskly, trying to wrap this up.

It didn't work.

"Ok, cool, don't you just love dragons?"

You gave him a funny look.

"You are blind as fuck."

He gave you a confused look and you tore out your dragon necklace from inside your robes to explain.

"Literally. In second year me wanting to train dragons was the tea."

"The tea?"

You rolled your eyes.

"The tea." You repeated firmly.

"Well," He said, seeming to make himself more comfortable in his spot, "What do you want to do, today, my lov—FUCK!"

You laughed as he massaged his nose, in which while the time he was talking you had stood up and casted a spell on.

"Well thanks for ruining my day." You said sarcastically, walking away.

"Wait! I'll make it up to you!" He almost shouted, running to catch up with your brisk steps.

"What?" You said, matching his tone, turning to face him.


You raised an eyebrow.

"Ok, not particularly anything, but you get the idea!"

He was talking so loud that he had gained some of the attention of the students in your year, who merely rolled their eyes when they saw you two again.


"Look, Charlie, I'm flattered, but if your just gonna heat up old dragon tea then I'm afraid I have better things to do."

"No! Actually, can I tell you a secret?"

"When have I ever stopped you?"

He smiled briefly, "I want to be a dragon trainer too."

You groaned frustratedly again.

Of course, just your luck, why wouldn't he want to be a dragon trainer; most likely having to work with you?

The more times he revealed a 'secret' the more compatible you two became, even Alice admitted it.

Alice! The supposed nicest Gryffindor alive! What even is this?!

"I know," he continued, "it's a rather odd job—"

"Merlin, I think I might be a Hit Witch instead, thanks."

"As much as you may want to be, you didn't take enough of the classes—"


He smiled for some reason at your outburst, before laughing; and soon you were both in hysterics, rolling on the floor and clutching to your sides.

That was the thing about Charlie—if he was laughing, everyone was laughing.

Finally over your laughing fit, Charlie turned to you and said, "I'm pretty sure everyone knows, but I really like you."

You smiled, and this time it was genuine.

"Your not too bad yourself." You admitted.

Charlie opened up his arms with a 'hey-come-on' look which made you shake your head.

"Ah, what the hell."

You hugged him, and realized just how muscular Quidditch had made him; feeling his abs against you.

You pulled away from the hug and looked up at him, slightly apologetically, "Sorry about all those other times. It's just, your really annoying when you want to be."

"Your forgiven."

You reached out your hand for a handshake but something much much more different happened.

He kissed you.

You stumbled a little from the force and pulled away.

"Woah, hold on there partner, we literally just became friends."

"True, but I'm skipping past all the friend-zoned years to when we finally admit we're more than that."

You rolled your eyes.

"You are such a romantic."

He chuckled, and kissed you all over again.

. . .

*Ten Years Later*

"How did that even work out?" Bill asked.

You were on holiday at the Burrow with your boyfriend, Charlie, and tried your best to fit in with the Weasley clan; which turned out not to be too hard.

"Well, you could say I finally gave in."

"I'd rather the term 'Charlie won'."

You rolled your eyes as Charlie wrapped an arm around you, somewhat protectively.

"I'm not gonna shag one of your brothers while your gone, Charlie." You laughed.

"And you expect me to trust Fred and George because?" He retorted.

"Ok, fair point."

You guys laughed while somewhere in the background the twin redheads were planning a legendary prank on you.

"I hope Norberta is alright." You said a little nervously.

"She's the most fiercest dragon I've ever seen, I'm sure she'll be fine." said Hermione as she walked past with her friends.

"Your lucky I came to the rescue."

"Forever owe you." Harry called over his shoulder.

You sighed happily, "This has always felt like my home."

"It is your home." Says Charlie.

You smiled.

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