The Drawing: Percy Weasley

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Your best friends had always been Fred & George Weasley.

Naturally, you spent every summer and every Christmas at The Burrow, the Weasley's were practically your second family.

Unfortunately, this meant you spent every summer or Christmas with Percy.

The twins were just laughing at one of your newest Christmas jokes when you looked a little beyond them to see Percy; sketching something in his notebook with a small smile spread across his face.

You watched as he frowned at something he must've messed up, probably drawing something in the room you thought, when he looked up; straight at you.

Both of your eyes widened and and his cheeks flushed a harsh shade of crimson—he was the only Weasley who's ears didn't go red.

"What the—?" You started to ask, when the twins spoke over you.

"Oi, Percy, leave us alone!" They called rudely.

You expected Percy to retort or to state some odd fact or rule that somehow related to the situation, but instead he hurriedly shut his book and darted out of the room; his cheeks even more red if that was possible.

"What's up with him?" You asked, staring at the point where he had once been.

"I don't know, and I don't want to know." said George.

"How do you even survive being a prefect with him?" Fred asked.
He paused, and then added, "How even are you a prefect?"

You cleared you throat and put on a fake proper accent, "Because I'm simply better than you both."

You all exploded into laughter, when Molly Weasley came bustling down the stairs.

"Hurry up, everyone, we don't want to be late!"

You and the twins quickly packed up your set of exploding snap cards and stood up from the cosy spot by the fire; grabbing your trunks and rushing to the Weasley's car.

. . .

"I can't believe Christmas break is over." You complained, waving away some of the last Christmas decorations with your wand in the Gryffindor common room.

"I know! You kissed, like, every Gryffindor in our year under the mistletoe." said Fred, making George laugh and you blush.

"I mean, it's not my fault that every time I walked past a boy a mistletoe magically appeared." You defended.

"Yeah, I guess your right. It was their fault that they were forced by Christmas-law to kiss this horrible toad." said George, earning an elbowing from you.

"Whatever. I'm supposed to be in prefect duty from six, and it's..." You checked Fred's watch, "six thirty. I'm a terrible prefect."

You got up from the couch and ruffled each of the twins hair as a goodbye, snatching your prefect pin from George who had stolen it earlier.

"Hey, Percy, wait up!" You called, jogging to catch up with him as you pinned your badge to your shirt messily.

He looked back at you, and in less than five seconds his cheeks turned a deathly shade of red.

"Sorry... I'm... late..." You panted, finally catching up with him.

You held onto his shoulder for support as you tried to tie your laces without having to stop walking.

"We can stop, you know." He said quietly.

"Oh, oh yeah..."

You both stopped and you tied your laces quickly, then stood up straight to tie your tie.

BUTTERBEERS! ☆ hogwarts one shots!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat