Cool: Bill Weasley

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"What the hell is that?"

It was a cool day, the wind blowing, and Bill was showing you one of the muggle things his father had gotten for him— behind his mother's back.

"Well," He said, still holding that air of coolness he kept about him, "it's a skateboard. It sorta works like this,"

Bill did some sort of trick on the contraption, making you jump before clapping with delight; muggle things could be really cool sometimes.

"Do you wanna try?"


Bill usually did stuff like this: get something cool, do something cool, ask you to try, and then you make a fool of yourself.

"I don't think that's a good idea—" you said hurriedly, but it was too late— he had seized your waist and stood you on the skateboard.

"Rubbish, if a muggle can do it, than you can."

"That's what you said about tennis..." You trailed, not wanting to think about that last incident.

It had not been very pleasant.

"Come on, I'll help you," he coaxed, grabbing hold of your waist quickly as you stumbled on the rig.

"Bill, I don't think this is the safest thing you could've chosen." You stated, clutching his shoulders quickly as the skateboard threatened to slide from under you.

"But if it was, it wouldn't be nearly as much fun."

"Uh huh..." You nodded, not convinced.

He couldn't have at least gotten a helmet?

Bill moved his hands from your waist to your hands, holding them and slowly walking along; pulling you on the skateboard with him.

"Hey, I think I've got the hang of it," you smiled, but had spoke too soon; the wheel got stuck on a rock and you were propelled forwards, tripping off the gizmo and landing straight into Bill's arms, bringing you both to the ground with a thud.

The skateboard was no longer in sight—in fact, nothing was in sight, your face was in Bill's shirt, and you could feel his abs straight through it.

It wasn't a bad feeling.

"You know," you said, your voice muffled through the cotton, "I'm pretty sure this wouldn't have happened if—"

"Nonsense. Everyone makes mistakes." Bill insisted, lifting you both up into a sitting position.

"But when you make mistakes, their just minor, mine cause the earth to collapse." You sighed.

"Is this about—"

"Of course it's about tennis! I almost broke your nose! I did break your nose! And some random guy walking by!" You said exasperatedly.

"But you're so good at healing spells, it didn't hurt for a second." Bill smiled, pulling you into his lap. "Don't beat yourself up for the little things no one remembers. They're not important. What's important is what's happening right now." He smiled, making your cheeks heat up.

Stupid Bill, he was so motivating.

You weren't quite sure what made you do it—maybe it was his words, his smile, you didn't know.

What you did know was that you had turned around and kissed Bill, with all the passion you could muster.

"See?" He smirked when you had both pulled away, "Whats important is what's happening right now, not what's going to happen or what did."

And then you kissed him again.

. . .

*Five Years Later*

"Hey, I found it!" Bill called happily, making his way into the room.

"Shit, I tried so hard to hide that." You whispered, getting up nervously and hoping it wasn't what you thought it was.

It was.

"Look, it's my old skateboard! I've been looking everywhere for this! I can't believe I've found it!"

"Me neither." You admitted, a fake smile spread across your worried face.

"Oh, remember when I first got this?" He smiled, wrapping an arm round you, "Back in Hogwarts, I loved this thing! You liked it too, right?"

You snorted, "No! I hated that thing, it was literally an accident waiting to happen."

He fixed you with a look.

"You hid it didn't you?"

"Yeah, in the hopes you'd never find it again." You retorted, folding your arms.

"You know, even if I was to get hurt, you would fix me up; wouldn't you? With your good old healing spells."

"Ha! As if! The only way I'm allowing you to get hurt with this thing is if I whack you over the head, which I very much want to do." You added.

Bill dropped the skateboard in defeat and wrapped both his arms around you, enclosing you in a very comforting hug.

"My job, Bill, is to make sure you stay in check."

"My job is to make sure you have a little adventure in your life."

You rolled your eyes, but kissed him nonetheless.

You loved him, never mind his crazy antics.

BUTTERBEERS! ☆ hogwarts one shots!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon